Friday, April 09, 2010


No no no, mon ami, no no no!
There are PRECISELY as many groups as there are individuals. No more, no less.

See, rugged American individualism insists on each hatefilled creep being his or her own parade. But they also maintain mailing lists so that they can tell ALL the other "groups" when each of them needs to show up. In every anti-Israel demonstration, there are, again, PRECISELY as many individuals as there are groups and websites represented.

Yes, there is some overlap. They get very lonely without people who agree with them. So they maintain the pretense of an active membership - all of whom, remarkably, are members of multiple groups. As well as being the sole active member of one group.

Let us take Robert "Spankerbotty" of Emeryville as an example.
He's a member of Women in Black, IJAN, and QUIT. He's on the SJP, JVP, and International ANSWER mailinglists. He's a committed Jew who attends liberation seders at a Methodist church, and he's a supporter of Sabeel, ISM, AlAwda, MECA, and several other "groups". If it weren't for his deeply felt personal ambivalences, he would have no social life.
But, fortunately, he has the "groups". And, by looking at which group he is standing with at any given time, one may find out who each of his friends and associates are.

The only exception in the list above is the Methodist church in Oakland that I mentioned - they actually do have more than one member.

The charming Muslim groups you cite usually chant "falastin balad'na wa'l Yahud qalab'na", as well as "ba ruh, ba dam, nafdeeq ya falastin". But it has been AT LEAST three months since I heard "yitbachulyahood". Doesn't play so well when their "groupies" are all taking Arabic lessons...

See, it's all so simple.



The letter above was sent in response to the assertion that there was an organized group called "Itbach al Yahud in the Bay Area", possibly chaired by Kate Jessica or one of her tattooed lovers.

If so, it would be a fearsome thing.

I really think someone should've told us before now. The other members of the People's Front of Judea - Bay Area Chapter, as well as the Judean People's Front (NorCal), and the Judean Popular People's Front (SF & Oakland), along with the Campaign for a Free Galilee (Mission District and Upper Telegraph Hill) will be MOST upset to find out that someone has pulled a fast one on us!

PS I: Please don't mention a word of this to the Popular Front of Judea and Montgomery Street - we don't talk to them, they're splitters!

PS II: Romanes, eunt domus!

PS III: Even though you can't have babies, the PFJ-BA (People's Front of Judea - Bay Area Chapter) supports your right to have babies; it's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. And we encourage that.

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