Monday, April 26, 2010


Readers of Holland's most important newspaper, De Telegraaf (no, not the NRC Handelsblad or the Volkskrant – those are only read by self-important bureaucrats and middle-aged hippies respectively) have reacted with shock, horror, cynicism, and outrage at the news item that a New York homeless man bled to death after helping a woman fend off an attack.
Her assailant stabbed him several times, he died without anyone aiding him, and many Dutch newspaper readers are convinced that this is utterly typical of America.

This is the article:,2

It's in Dutch. I've only placed the link for reference purposes.

[Quote: Voorbijgangers laten dakloze sterven
NEW YORK - In de VS is met afgrijzen gereageerd op de dood van een illegale immigrant in New York. Nadat de dakloze man een vrouw te hulp schoot die werd belaagd, lieten omstanders hem op straat doodbloeden. Toen de 31-jarige Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax uit Guatemala een onbekende vrouw in Queens - die werd aangevallen op straat - probeerde te helpen, werd hij meerdere keren gestoken door de belager van de vrouw. End quote.]

Henk in Zuid-Holland opines more or less that Americans such as those New Yorkers are the worst kind of coward. Given that nine out of ten of the comments he has placed under newspaper articles prove him an anti-American bigot of monumental proportions, one can safely disregard what he says - except that he is not alone in his anti-American crusade. There are many souls in the Dutch cesspool who have a pathological hatred towards everything 'Yank'.

[Henk: "De VS zien zichzelf graag als het beloofde land. Maar dit is de keiharde realiteit, grotere lafbekken dan deze voorbijgangers in de straten van New York zijn er niet te vinden".]

Jan in Den Haag, Darwin in Geleen, and Micheal (stet) N in Los Angeles, to name but a few, placed equally blinkered and bitchy comments.

[Jan: "Lang leve Amerika, ieder voor zich en god voor ons allen." Darwin: "Dat is daar normaal. Als je daar bloedend en zelfs spoed eisend een ziekenhuis in gaat is de eerste vraag opf je verzekerd bent , ben je dat niet pech gehad ! De Amerikaanse nachtmerrie. Darwinisme in een schaaps vel." Micheal: "Het leven in de V.S is goed als je een hond of een kat bent. Los Angeles, CA: 150,000 daklozen. Niemand schijnt zich hierom te bekommeren. En geloof zeker niet dat Obama dit gaat veranderen."]

Micheal (stet) N in Los Angeles represents a very particular kind of modern Dutchman - the type that comes over here for a few years, sneeringly despises everything about America and Americans (often including the women he beds - he's more than likely predatory in his approach to the local females), and just cannot resist spewing bile from a position of allegedly superior knowledge, what with living here and having to speak "Amerikaansch" every day.....

Of course not everyone left a slimy anti-Yank footprint underneath that article. There were in fact several who gave evidence of education and broad perspectives, even a grim realism about their own society.

It's not the latter group that concerns me, though.

It's the poxxy bastards like Henk, Jan, and Darwin. Every day they become more and more convinced of the frightfulness of the United States, versus the near-divine sanctity and blessedness of their own country. What they say and hear on a regular basis only strengthens their biases; their social environment reflects the blinkered jaundice with which they view us.
They are spiteful and odious - which is not unusual in post-war Europe.
It's a chip on the shoulder thing.

The good thing is that they are not likely to visit the United States. And their friends and relatives also are unlikely to land on these shores - Micheal N in Los Angeles is an exception (and let us just hope he isn't spreading venereal diseases to his teenage victims).
Every time the America-haters voice their distaste, they decrease the chances of their fellow bigots heading over here.

Which, you will surely agree, is a good thing.

Consequently I do not mind them, nor the articles that agitate their minds.
They serve a great good - they prevent a mass visitation by Eurotrash.



No, dear readers (‘geachte lezers’), I do not take EVERY opportunity to “spew my gall” (idiomatic: gall spuwen = spleen venting) in the direction of the Dutch and their wonderful country. Were I to do so, there would not be enough hours in the day, and this blog would be awash.
And please note: it has been several weeks since my last excursus into Dutch peculiarity.
Besides, I actually kind of like the bastards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a valuable phrase

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