Friday, April 30, 2010


You are a moron. My dislike of white Christians is intramural – my family is sodden with white Christians, representing primarily thirteen generations of Dutch Calvinists in America (white Christians par excellence, nota bene), and there isn’t a Jew in the bunch. And I have NO problem with that. Furthermore, whatever conflict I have with their religious points of view is doctrinal - again intramural (do you even know what Dutch Reformed means?), and my intense dislike (not bigotry, dislike - please grasp that there is a difference) of many other Christians is well founded on their deviance from doctrinal clarity, and often, civilized norms.
[And let's leave Jesus out of this - that man has never been fundamental to my scriptural point of view.]

And as for the Europeans - on the whole, they are supercilious sneeringly superior pigs. They excel at bloodshed, but still think that bathing every day is an American affectation. Like the Arabs and much of the third world they despise Americans, so screw them all.
You will probably get along famously with them.

What you clearly FAIL to understand, perhaps because you are a mannerless swine, is that offensive jokes of any kind are a discourtesy of staggering proportions. Again, I care not one whit what is normal in Israel or anywhere else. It's about derech eretz.
Something in which some Israelis need brushing up, evidently.

If you had been here a while, and knew anything about me and other commenters, you would neither have committed the insulting error of posting that nasty joke, nor have so glibly and quickly have rushed to defend it and the proste attitudes underlying it.

Gey un' lern, paskudniyok.



The 'letter' above was a continuation of the conversation below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, i see you made a post exclusively to me

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