Monday, November 30, 2009


European ministers in Brussels have agreed to provide data to American authorities about international money transfers by account holders in Europe.
This is not unusual, or in fact new. There are limitations to the agreement, and it involves only transactions and accounts that fit certain criteria.
Think in terms of law-enforcement efforts.

A news article about the deal in one of Holland's biggest dailies provoked a veritable storm of rhetoric among the readers - who as of this writing have left several hundred comments.

VS krijgen toegang bankgegevens EU,1

[The article is in Dutch - I shan't bother translating it, as it leaves out crucial facts and merely serves to rile up the readers, most of whom prove themselves incapable of comprehension, many of whom are also unable to think straight, and quite a number of whom are so paranoid or schizo as to convince one that the Dutch are congenitally defective, zotsed to the gills on drugs, and all-round dangerous. Being largely of Dutch ancestry myself, this is NOT the impression I wish to give - so I've even omitted any quotes.]

Of course most of the comments are anti-American - what did you expect?

Like a lot of Europeans, the Dutch are not fond of us. Many (almost all) of them despise us with a passion, consider themselves vastly superior, and insist that there is nothing we have in common.

[A majority of Europeans believe us inbred retrogrades, genetically prone to vice and violence, and they rather thoroughly loathe us. There are parts of Europe where being an American is considered degeneracy that justifiably leads to fists or phlegm.]

I have no problem with that. I don't really care what the average European thinks.

I have a problem with letting those scum buckets enter the United States.

Most European visitors to the United States sneer at our society, find fault with nearly everything, and so far as possible avoid dealing with the natives. The average European tourist in San Francisco has probably spent three weeks visiting national parks, but a scant three days in the cities (one day each in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco).
They love the outdoors here, but deeply regret that much of this country is filled with us instead of bears and Indians.

If it weren't for the wilderness, most Europeans would not even think of visiting.

Europeans who travel do so primarily as either sex-tourists or booze-tourists. The Germans are known for visiting third world countries to slake their lusts on juveniles, the British go abroad primarily to drink themselves into a stupor, puke in public, and pick fights.


The Dutch combine the worst of both English and German characteristics, being simultaneously phenomenal alcoholics and completely amoral sexually.

Last week two lads from Drenthe spent three hours at one of the local bars trying to get into the panties of one of the other people there, who was drinking by herself. The process was quite 'interesting' - their remarks to each other in Dutch were so vile and repulsive that I regretted ever having learned their language. American women, in their world, were nothing more than creatures to be exploited and discarded. Their sole disappointment was that this was hard to do - they had expected American girls to be looser than Dutch teenagers, and it had been a difficult three weeks for them.

They were not unusual.
This past year Dutch tourists have been in the bar several times.
Tim, who takes keen delight in my discomfiture around my distant kin, makes sure to let them know that I speak Dutch. Then walks away smiling in anticipation of my ranting furiously after the poxy bastards finally leave.

Once the Dutch tourists tell me that they cannot understand how I can stand to live in this horrible place - implying that I am a liar and that I must be severely defective or a wanted criminal for not returning to civilization - conversations invariably revolve around the same rhetorical points: terrible coffee, bad beer, stupid American sports, and women who won't jump at the opportunity to get banged by a European why not how are the girls in San Francisco they're effing desperate and do I know any sluts?

Well now.
The coffee suits the locals fine, most Americans like mild beer, if you don't know how football or baseball are played you really should shut your trap about those games, and seeing as you lot are arrogant, crude, uncircumcised, and don't wash nearly often enough, why would the women get anywhere near you?

Yes, we know about your coffee and beer - you just won't shut up about them.
As for soccer, we realize that you are incredibly proud of the game and the attendant violence, we've seen videos of the riots.
Regarding your animalistic urges, it's a pity that you are such sexual predators that you can't keep your gropy hands to yourselves, you swine.

Of course, I never say any of this - unlike Europeans, we do not consider it polite to rile-up people we don't know. Especially if they are visiting.
We aren't like them, thank God.

One the whole, it would be a good thing if we let far fewer Europeans into our country. I won't miss them. Neither will you.



Not a week goes by without a news report of a Dutch childmolester or drug-rapist being arrested overseas, scarcely a month in which several suspects aren't apprehended for producing and distributing child-pornography or snuff films.
As is well-known, Rotterdam is the epicenter of human-trafficking, and many Dutch youth are accustomed to cap off their weekend of binge-drinking by sexually brutalizing the young foreign women who have been sold into Dutch brothels.

Lest you think, however, that the Dutch are bigots who regard foreign females as throw-away objects, I hasten to add that this is not so.

As another article in DeTelegraaf makes clear:,2
Kwart jonge vrouwen slachtoffer seksueel geweld - Bijna een kwart van de meisjes en vrouwen tussen de 15 en 25 jaar heeft ooit te maken gehad met seksueel geweld.
[Translation: Quarter of young women victim of sexual violence - nearly a quarter of the girls and women between fifteen and twenty five years of age has been subjected to sexual violence.]
The Dutch sexual violence detailed in the article, which quotes a government report, includes rape, forced disrobing, groping, and forcible oral sex.

The Dutch do not regard foreign women as throw-away objects, they regard ALL women as such. It's normal over there.

Drugs, rape, and bestiality are almost national passions.

Banning the Dutch permanently from entering the United States would be of great benefit to the United States.
I for one would wholeheartedly support such an idea.



This article (in Dutch) casts light on the unpleasant sexual subculture in Den Helder:,1
In short: fourteen and fifteen year-old Dutch girls enthusiastically seek out abusive ethnic boyfriends, and consider being beaten up, raped, and getting pregnant at a young age, absolutely normal.
Which, in Den Helder, it probably is.

Here's a news item about a Dutch pervert who photographed thousands of little girls while employed as a swimming instructor in Den Bosch:,1
He is suspected of having committed indecent acts with a few dozen victims, but as yet there is no conclusive proof, according to his lawyer.
The case came to light last year.

This piece discusses a dangerous Dutch 'pedosexual' whom the city of Utrecht wishes to keep out:,1
Sytze van der Velde was convicted three times of unlawful sex with young boys. He is well-known to authorities and among fellow-paedophiles in the Netherlands, and has been active in his chosen perversion for well over three decades.

NOTE: All three articles cited are from today's edition of 'De Telegraaf'. It seems like every day there are juicy bits about rapists, pedophiles, and practitioners of bestiality in the Netherlands. Either they're very bored over there, or the heat and humidity are getting to them. It has a bad effect on the temperament.



Anonymous said...

the British go abroad primarily to drink themselves into a stupor, puke in public, and pick fights.

They really go abroad for this? Isn't Britain filled with pubs and football matches?

The back of the hill said...

Anonymous posted this comment:
the British go abroad primarily to drink themselves into a stupor, puke in public, and pick fights.

They really go abroad for this? Isn't Britain filled with pubs and football matches?

Recent articles in the Guardian, and on the BBC website, make clear that British behaviour outside their own country is more reprehensible (or perceived as such) than within.
In part this has to do with organized tours and the opportunities thus presented - kinda like Germans going to Thailand to molest little girls while away from the disapproving eyes of their neighbors.
In part it almost certainly also has to do with the fact that groups of drunken Brits are much more noticeable than nice quiet elderly pensioners peacefully examining Gothic architecture in a country village somewhere.

[NOTE: I pressed all the right buttons to publish Anonymous' comment, but it still didn't show up. Blogger has been taken over by the Dutch Ministry of Propaganda, what?]

The back of the hill said...

Okay, glitch disappeared. I guess they didn't wanna show their hand too much.
Hee hee hee.

Andrea said...

I found a nice link to your blog :-)

The back of the hill said...


Thanks for pointing me to that site. ;-D

I particularly liked the reference: "We weten allemaal dat Amerikanen nou niet bepaald de slimsten op de aarde zijn.
Maar als deze site het IQ van de gemiddelde Amerikaan weerspiegeld, wordt het idee dat deze mensen wapens hebben alleen maar enger.

[Translation: 'We all know that Americans aren't particularly the smartest people on the planet. But if this site (whereby my blog was meant) reflects the IQ of the average American, the idea that these people have weapons only gets scarier.']

Hee hee hee.

The back of the hill said...

Just for the heck of it, I left my own comment there.


Da’s ‘n goeie! Toch bedankt voor de link.
En tussen haakjes – minder inteelt in de VS dan waar dan ook in Europa. Medunkt dat Europeanen (verantwoordelijk voor de ergste effecten van Colonialisme, EN twee wereld-oorlogen) mischien minder recht van spreken hebben dan zij aannemen.

Mischien zou het leuk zijn voor uw lezers dit te lezen:

Een klein citaatje: “Certainly Daendels qualifies as a tyrant and a criminal. He is lauded as one of the Netherlands greatest men.”

I have no doubt that many Dutch now claim that Daendels in no way represents their fine country. Why, it is impossible! Merely a fluke.
In which case I would aver that ALL of Dutch history is a fluke.

Anonymous said...

Man vast om maken kinderporno AMSTERDAM - Justitie verdenkt een 31-jarige man uit Bleiswijk van het verleiden van minderjarige meisjes en het maken van kinderporno. De verdachte zou zich hebben voorgedaan als tienermoeder op een speciale website voor deze doelgroep. Op die manier kwam hij in contact met minderjarige meisjes, maakte het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) in Amsterdam vrijdag bekend.,2

Zeker twee meisjes, van zestien en zeventien jaar oud, hebben volgens justitie een afspraak gemaakt met de Bleiswijker. Hij zou ze veertig euro hebben betaald voor compromitterende foto's. Ook zou hij zich door de meisjes hebben laten bevredigen.


Anonymous said...

"Like a lot of Europeans, the Dutch are not fond of us. Many (almost all) of them despise us with a passion, consider themselves vastly superior, and insist that there is nothing we have in common."

Did anyone ever say to you that this is simply nonsense? Not true. Bogus. In fact, your accumulated anti-Dutchism far exceeds all anti-Americanism of all Dutchmen combined. And that is a scientific fact.

What have we done to deserve this?

The back of the hill said...

My dear Vincent,

I lived there from 1962 till 1978. I was beaten up at school when we shot Martin Luther King, when we shot Bobby Kennedy, during the Watts riots, and when Nixon got re-elected. Mylai and the bombing of Cambodia meant several more fights at school, and a few bricks through my bedroom window. During Watergate even the teachers joined in - Americans did not understand democracy or civilization, had a primitive society, and had killed all the Indians. What we were doing in Vietnam was ten times, one hundred times worse than what the Mariniers Brigade had EVER done in Java (oh, and Raymond 'Turk' Westerling was a commendable Indies loyalist) .

Of course, the Kommunistische Eenheid Nederland (Marxisten-Leninisten) were convinced that 'die rotte jenkies' were behind all the evil in the world.... an attitude that was remarkably prevalent at all levels of Dutch society during the seventies. Mostly on the left - and the Dutch are as a whole mostly on the left.

At high school, more fights. "Vuile rotjenk, wat denk je wel?!?"

And at local stores, sneeringly "dat doen ze mischien in Amerika, maar hier word dat NIET getolereerd!"

That phrase "dat doen ze mischien in Amerika..." was used (and is STILL used, nota bene!) far too often - even by schoolteachers and educated people who should have known better. I have every right to resent the patronizing sneering attitude it reflects.

Did I ever mention the kleindorpsche bigoten among the local boy scouts? Should have - bunch of unsupervised sadistic thugs. That represents nearly a decade of regular torture on which I do not look back with any fondness.

A mailinglist populated by Dutchmen I joined over ten years ago still frequently has sneers about us barbarians in the US, and every visit back in the last three decades has been marked by put-downs and snide references to rightwingers, fat Yankees, religious nuts, trailerparkers with guns, pornography, crazy illiterates, hamburgers, vulgarity, imperialism, lack of culture, lack of subtlety, en wat dies meer zij. All things, apparently, that we have in bucket loads but which are quite unknown in Europe. Or were, until we forced those things on you.

I have been told, several times, that everything good in the US either came from Europe, or, in the case of Jazz, was entirely invented by black people as a reaction against white Americans.

Everything that is typically 'American', without a European or Black connotation, is considered somehow vulgar and base. Leastways, less worthy, and less worthwhile.

Except bluejeans - but those were actually invented by a European, as many people have been quick to point out.

We white Americans are inbred, and represent the criminal element that Europe was glad to see emigrate.

Oh, and no Europeans were ever involved in the slave trade either, or so I hear.

I'll admit, it isn't everyone that says so. But it is far too many.
The presence of such biased ideas makes the Netherlands an unpleasant place in which to admit that despite fluency in Dutch I prefer to live in the United States and have pride in my country.

I am grateful, however, that I am not a Turk. Or a Moroccan. Or a Surinamer.

The back of the hill said...

In short:

Much of my childhood in the Netherlands was unpleasant, because I was American.

Much of each subsequent exposure to the Dutch, and their ideas about America, has been unpleasant, and has brought back memories of unpleasantness.

There is much in Dutch attitudes about America and Americans which is thoroughly unpleasant.

No, I would not want to live there again. Because I will always be an American.

And the Dutch, being both stubborn and not given to admitting error, are not likely to change their minds about America.

Not all Dutch. Not all the time.

But enough of them, and often enough, to keep an open wound festering.

The back of the hill said...

I am grateful, however, that I am not a Turk. Or a Moroccan. Or a Surinamer.

I should probably include homosexuals among the list of types I am grateful that I am not, judging by this article:

De Telegraaf


The comments underneath are particularly 'veelzeggend'.

"Maar op het politie bureau werdt mij te kennen gegeven maar geen aangiften te doen daar het geen zin had!Vaak werdt mij dan ook verweten dat ik het had uitgelokt ... "

"Triest dat veel mensen anderen niet in hun waarde kunnen laten."

"BTW, homos hier worden al tijden geadviseerd niet meer naar NL te gaan, door de onveiligheid voor homos."

"Hebben ze het in de gaten en weten ze eenmaal waar je woont, dan kun je het schudden."

This one, in particular, is sad: "vanaf mijn 12de en tot nu ben ik 35 jaar werd ik al gediscrimineerd,op school,(uitgescholden,gespuugd en zovoort)door speel vrienden in mijn woonplaats,op straat(gespuugd/getrapt)door jongens in de stad utrecht en amsterdam,op het werk (altijd)uitgescholden door collega's,zelfs binnen 1 jaar tijd moest ik 6 keer een ander werk te zoeken.traumatiserend is dat!en nu ben ik bang om weer te gaan werken,de angst zit nog wel goed in."

There are other comments. The general impression is that it is pointless to complain, because you simply should not have been gay. Just like you should not have been Turkish, or Moroccan. Or a Surinamer. Or a Yankee.

Anonymous said...

There. Now I understand. Those are quite terrible experiences, and I understand all too well that all those things happening in childhood and youth have a lasting impact. Especially, and this saddens me to hear, that they have been more or less confirmed during subsequent visits or contact with Dutch people. As you wrote, you surely have every right resent those patronizing sneering attitudes.

It won't help much I realize, but count me in as someone who has ALWAYS had pleasant contact with Americans whenever I met them (and I'm close friends with a few). I found those Americans that I've met, without exception, very civilized, friendly, smart, open minded people and there was mostly a mutual click. Most tourists asking me for directions or information here in Amsterdam are mostly Americans. Not seldomly, we have a little chat and they brighten up my day. It's true.

I have great admiration for America and American culture. As you pointed out, Europeans have centuries of imperialism and colonialism and the two biggest massacres in the history of human kind on their record, so that should humble them a little when criticizing America or Americans. Especially in the seventies there was virulent anti-Americanism for sure, but my impression has always been that this changed a lot after the end of the Cold War. But of course I could be wrong. Judging from what you wrote, I probably am.

The back of the hill said...


It is precisely because of Dutch people who are decent and likeable that I cannot let go.

Many good memories, and many memories of good people, are in Dutch.
And I still have friends over there.

Anonymous said...

In response to your comment about anti-gay violence in the Netherlands:

My own experiences with bullying, growing up as a gay boy in the 1980's, have always been with native Dutch people. These days, from the media you might get the impression that 'tolerance' is under fire from Turks and Moroccans, but this is utter bullshit. I know from experience, as recent as my last job, how waver-thin and unauthentic this supposed tolerance really is. There is an incredible narrow standard of 'normalness' that's underneath it.

Especially anti-immigrant right-wingers, who never used to give a shit about homos, now suddenly use the gays as 'token faggots' against the Muslims. It means nothing, it's just because they hate the Moroccans more and decided we're the 'lesser evil'.

However, I'm also 100% native Dutch myself. So I understand the good and the bad in all its nuance, because it's in my blood and it's been my life. And when someone says nasty things about the Dutch, well, incredibly enough I instinctively get defensive.

Anyway, many of your observations about the Dutch have lots of truth in them and I enjoy reading them, (if they're not too angry..;-)). Hihi.

The back of the hill said...

Especially anti-immigrant right-wingers, who never used to give a shit about homos, now suddenly use the gays as 'token faggots' against the Muslims.

Happens over here too. It's rather cynical, seeing as IF those societies which discriminate against women, gays, and ethnic minorities were Christian, the folks screaming the loudest would actually approve.

It means nothing, it's just because they hate the Moroccans more and decided we're the 'lesser evil'.

Very much like Vlaams Belang getting all palliwally with the Jews of Antwerp - who know that once the Turks, Moroccans, and Walloons are taken care of, they're next.

Ludovic said...

Here's the ver quintessence of Dutch heterosexual sex:,3

Teenage Fangrapers

Nice. They lured her out from a party, then gangbanged her in an alley - before going back in to party some more.

ARNHEM - De politie in Arnhem heeft vier jongens in de leeftijd van 15 en 16 jaar aangehouden op verdenking van verkrachting van een 15-jarig meisje. Dat meldde de politie dinsdag. De jongens, afkomstig uit Arnhem en Westervoort, werden zondag al opgepakt.

Het slachtoffer meldde zich in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag bij de politie. Het meisje ging naar eigen zeggen tijdens een feestje met een van de verdachten naar buiten. Vervolgens zou ze door de vier jongens in een steegje zijn verkracht. De politie hield de vier verdachten nog op de feestlokatie aan. Het meisje deed aangifte, aldus de politie.

The victim was a fifteen year old gilr. The perpetrators were four boys of fifteen and sixteen.

Just another normal day in the Netherlands, I guess.

Anonymous said...

of course like your web-site however you have to test the spelling on several of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling issues and I to find it very bothersome to tell the truth nevertheless I’ll surely come again again. affordable auto insurance

The back of the hill said...

“of course like your web-site however you have to test the spelling on several of your posts. them are rife with spelling issues”

Dude, that isn’t misspelled English, it’s Dutch.

“and I to find it very bothersome to tell the truth”

Because you can neither read well, nor read Dutch. It’s a personal problem of yours.

“nevertheless I’ll surely come again again.”

I would far rather you didn’t.

Your run-on sentence is intensely irritating, and being lectured by someone who ignores capitalization AND punctuation is over-the-top out of line. Additionally, your self-serving, snide, and patronizing comment clearly serves NO other purpose than to bookmark my site and this post for future spammatic attention – you will kindly note that I have disabled your link.

Anonymous said...

I’m not quite sure where to begin with this, so I’ll just say this is a really good article.

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