Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As usual, the level of stupidity in the comments underneath articles in the Telegraaf has sunk to a low which heretofore I had not thought possible.

But, because my readers have already been exposed to previous examples of Dutch idiocy (it never seems to be the educated classes that comment underneath Dutch newspaper articles), I shall refrain from presenting a selection in translation. Resist the temptation, not give in to provocation.
I shall exercise self-control.
And I shall not yield.

I'll just point you towards the articles that excited the morons.
[Well-educated Dutch have better things to do than comment under newspaper articles in the Telegraaf. That isn't surprising.]

This article is about US sanctions against individuals and corporations who are involved in money laundering for two Columbian gangsters:

There are two Dutch companies mentioned, Colombia Real Estate Development and Arawak Holding.
Consequently, at least nine people (as of this writing) wish to demonstrate that they are half-wits, coke-heads, narco-terrorists, or very typical Dutch unemployables.
As well as being rabidly, insanely anti-American.

In this rather meaningless piece, the results of the Country Brand Index 2009 are detailed - the Netherlands sank to 26th. place, the United States remains in first place.

Trust me, very many twentysixth-placers are livid.
Gibberingly and ineloquently so.
As well as being rabidly, insanely anti-American.

There is ONE article with a comment that is worth translating:

The piece reports that a five year-old boy is accused of molesting two classmates at a school in Queensland, Australia.

You know where Australia is, don't you?
It's that big BIG blob to the south-east of Indonesia (which had once been the Dutch East Indies, till August 17, 1945).
Out there in the Pacific. Other side of the world. Directly under the Spice Islands (the 'Moluccas' - a former Dutch possession) and New Guinea (the western half of the island was ruled by the Dutch untill 1962).
Australia is big - you can't miss it. Really big.
I mean really REALLY big.
It's huge.

Maar dan zou ik ook graag weten wat men hier met aanranden bedoeld. Er is een groot verschil tussen aanranden en verkrachten. Heeft het jongetje misschien onder de rokjes van de meisjes gekeken ? Dan heb je in de USA altijd een reden om een trauma te hebben. Altijd lekker overdrijven daar in Amerika.
Michel, Deventer 15:34 10.11.09

Translation: "But I would then also like to know what is meant by 'molestation'. There is a big difference between 'molestation' and 'rape'. Did the little tyke perhaps look under the girls skirts? In that case you will always have a reason in the USA to be traumatized. They always exaggerate things so in America."

The next two dozen commenters were far too busy speculating about child-sex (obviously a juicy subject deeply fascinating to many of them) to even notice that Michel has a major hole in his geographic knowledge.

We in the US know that we are not Australia - but several readers of the Telegraaf, who know everything there is to know about molestation, do not know this.
Either that or they are certain that there is no difference, all of us English speakers are probably alike anyway.
Bah, English speakers! Feh!

You should see some of the venom they write under articles that mention England.

They're not just rabidly, insanely anti-American.

They also furiously despise the English, Scots, Irish, New Zealanders, and Australians.

In addition to Americans.

The only English speakers that ignorant Dutch xenophobes appear not to dislike are Canadians. Oh, and the Welsh - but you'd have a hard time arguing that the Welsh are actually English speakers.
Many Dutch aren't aware of it. And the Dutch, as is well known, are always right.

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