Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The Lebanese have festively welcomed back Samir Kuntar and four other stalwarts. Roads were festooned with banners, Sheikh Nasrallah made a triumphant speech, and the national government have declared a national holiday. Today is a day of pride and joy for all Lebanese, and the entire Arab nation celebrates with them.

It would be a mistake to think that peace is possible with people such as these.

Here is what Shlomo Goldwasser, father of Ehud Goldwasser (one of the two dead Israelis traded by the Levantine merchants for their five heroes) had to say:
"I cannot understand what the Lebanese are so glad about and happy about. They sacrificed over 700 of their best warriors and all their economy, and what they get for what they did is a murderer, a bloody murderer of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl and her father - and for this they are making all this glory, for this they sacrificed so much. So I feel only pity for them."

He's a better man than I am. He feels pity for them.

I am sorry that Sharon did not pave over all of Southern Lebanon in 1982. He should have driven the population northwards and salted the earth. Lebanese values, Arab values, are not values. They are incapable of human feeling, they are not civilized. They are barbaric tribals who only understand force, whose ideals represent savagery and bloodshed, who are proud of their history of violence and primitivism.

Theirs is a culture of rapine and slaveraiding, from the shores of the Atlantic to the edges of the Hindu Kush. There is naught there to be proud of, there is little there that is exemplary.
The day that Islam came out of the wastelands of the peninsula was a day of disaster, a curse for every generation since.

When the British took in the sons of Sharif Hussein ibn Ali in the nineteen-twenties, they should have slit their throats. Instead they gave them kingdoms.


Anonymous said...

How extremely unchristian of you.


The back of the hill said...

Yeah well sorry. The milk of human kindness, the fellow feeling with all of my fellow humans, and even my basic empathy for other people, have temporarily taken a back seat.

It took all my self-control this morning not to walk over to my co-worker who is married to a Lebanese (talk about bad life-style choices!) and out of the blue chew her another one. She, of course, has nothing to do with htis issue, even if she is sleeping with the enemy.

At this moment I have absolutely no use whatsoever for Arabs. Or Muslims.

Pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs!

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and quite frankly, I would love to see the leaderships of the various European socialist parties lined up and shot.

Most especially the Dutch socialists - both PvdA (Labour) and SP (re-branded Maoists). And most particularly that ethically crippled venomous sow Anja Meulenbelt. People like her are sickening. I am so glad her good pal and probable co-orgiast Jan Marijnsen has taken a back seat because of health issues (hij mag gerust pijnlijk kreperen, hij is van gene waarde), now I hope that her depraved colleague Harry van Bommel should also get a plague.

These are the people who actively destroy civilization. they are worse than terrorists. They should be hunted down and killed.

Damned crypto-Stalinist swine.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and of course such free range puss-bags as Dries van Agt (former PM, member of the Christian Democratic Appeal, and anti-Semite), Gretta Duisenberg (hysteric, hater, and crypto-Nazi)and their fellow traveller Imam Abdoelah Hasselhof (pr man for Jihad, homo-phobe, and Jew-hater).

These too, and their loved ones, are of no use to the world. A pox upon them.

The back of the hill said...

And for anybody who doesn't understand where I'm coming from, here's a little photografic refresher course:

If you can't read the Dutch text, don't worry. The message of the site is made clear by the pictures.

The back of the hill said...

Lev, none of the above is directed at you. I hope you did not take it amiss. I just kinda lost it for a moment. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

You have quite the nerve vriticising us, you hatefilled horrible moneky! At learst we do not drive people off their land and imprison them behind a wall aof apartheid, like you and your people. You ra dog.

Charles Malik said...

Come, now.

You don't truly want to turn pristine villages into parking lots. Why let your emotions go to such extremes?

Obviously, you need to show your anger to Lebanese extremists, but as your blog shows, your media is not the way to go about doing that.

You attract Lebanese moderates, who will undoubtedly be upset by your rhetoric.

You can make the weak Western/ Israeli accusation that Arab moderates merely apologize for extremism, but there is a reason why we liberal bloggers attract attention, and it is not for our pro-regime agenda.

The Arab world is not diverse. You are right to be skeptical of your Egyptian and Saudi readers. However, Lebanon is relatively free, and Lebanese abroad (the majority of Lebanese citizens) participate in the discussion.

We don't take kindly to being stereotyped, and we enjoy being ourselves without others telling us what we should be doing.

Your politics may correspond with ours, but make sure that you are truly online to make friend not debating partners before you begin advocating specific platforms.

I will gladly debate you, but only after you indicate you are worthy of such an exchange. If we even disagree... ;)

Alan Green said...

Do you want to find out about Israeli artists taking part in the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition?

How about what Canadians are doing to help the MDA?

Check out Canada's Israel

The back of the hill said...

My dear Mr. Malik,

You are of course right. And you do, I hope, realize that yesterday was a day of blackness and temporary fury. There is a good reason why people like myself take part in the discourse, but are not part of the diplomatic corps.

As far as what the Arab world should do, I really have no suggestions beyond a few specific things. You've no doubt already heard them, enough so that you doubtless need no further chanting of those tropes.

Now, regarding your somewhat surprising statement that the Arab world is NOT diverse - surely you mean that only in the political sense? Given the range of "Arab" ethnicities and subcultures (from Somali 'Arab' through Hijazi and Levantine all the way to extremes in Afghanistan who call themselves Arab, and North-Africans of an entire range of demi-Arabicity), with attendant dialect and linguistic variety, the political spectrum is perhaps the only way in which to read that statement.

I could make the argument, from well within Western Culture, that the western world at present shows less diversity than the Arab world. Other than fury at the 'West', what do a Yemeni and, for instance, a Druze from Lebanon, really have in common? Language? Barely - even in standard English, the individual command of English leads to misunderstanding, despite what must seem near-identical phrasing and vocabulary. How much more so over the Arabic of the street.

We don't take kindly to being stereotyped, and we enjoy being ourselves without others telling us what we should be doing.

Are you sure you're not American? That precisely is the gist of my frequent poison-penmanship about our European friends.
You might, if so inclined, take a gander at some of the criticism I aim at my 'fellow Dutch-speakers'. As good a place to start as any is here:

Which will bring up everything labeled 'Rottekaas' - a less than affectionate term for my own cultural group (in the broad sense). Bear in mind that pretty much everything under that label is intramural venom - and is therefore informed by bitter disappointment about the one group I truly had hoped would have higher standards.

It makes for toxic reading. And might not appeal to everybody.

Anonymous said...

Dear, dear, you cannot have it both ways. Either you hate the Arabs, or not. There is little room in the middle. Clearly you hate the Dutch, you say as much no bones. Now please come right out and admit yuou hate everyone except perverts and degenerates.

And peeople who wear panties. Assuming tha they are female, naturally.



Anonymous said...

Meaning that you love the people who wear panties.

G_d bless them. And their panties.


Lev (a lover of ... panties!)

Anonymous said...

No wombats. Baruch Hashem.

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