Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Usually I am underimpressed by blends that attempt to combine several different categories, and label-blurb that tells me what to think.

This new blend by Greg Pease, however, is a pleasant surprise. Flakes with jagged edges in a spectrum of medium brown hues, with a fragrance that is both earthy and spicy. Not too humid, crumbles easily into the bowl.

It smokes very well, and is clearly related to the English style of tobacco. Neither the Turkish nor the Latakia trumpet their arrival, but they are definitely there. The cigar leaf is a somewhat subdued presence that does not dominate but stays at the corner of awareness. This is a good smoke. It is not strong, but not a weakling either. There is a remarkable lack of bite, even at the end of the bowl.

It did not particularly remind me of the old Balkan Sobranie number ten, which also had cigar leaf. For some reason John Cotton came to mind. This type of tobacco has not often been available, having more frequently been lamentably absent. There are smokers who will soon cherish this above all other blends.

I have purchased all tins at the tobacco store - it'll be a while before anybody else gets some.


Highly recommended, if you can get any before I buy more. That might be harder than you think, as I visit the shop every day. Good luck.
Note that this review is cross-posted at the usual place.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. I look forward to trying it. And fortunately, I am not in San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

Rather pointless. Are you sure there is no sexual connotation to tobacco?


Anonymous said...

Actually I prefer your more perverted posts. This is unrefreshingly normal, and so, disturbing.


Anonymous said...

In retrospect, wombat.


The back of the hill said...

Lev, you protested elswhere that you weren't iterested in wombats. Permit me to cast doubt.....
Over half of your recnt comments have been wombatty.

The back of the hill said...

And further, on Tuesday the twenty-second, you wrote: "The wombat is a quadruped which lives in big rivers like the Amazon. It has two ears, a heart, a forehead, and a beak for eating honey. But it is provided with fins for swimming.

Wombats are larger than frogs.

Wombats are dangerous!

If you see one where people are swimming, you should shout "Look out, there are wombats!"

Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado, cuidado, los guambattos!

This under the post entitled 'Transvestite Nightmare'.

I'm inclined to think that you have an unhealthy obsession with wombats.

Unlike Spiros, who has no more interest in wombats than any normal teenage boy.

Or Graham and Tzipporah - who appear to have, alas, no interest in wombats. Hard as that may seem to imagine.

Anonymous said...

My oldest brother was a Royal Marine in Aden / now Yemen in the early 1960's. One of his tasks involved a Wombat mounted on the back of a Stalwart. With the Wombat they would shoot up nocturnal Arab camel trains.

It was a makeshift weapon - a poor relative of the net & tidy US Ontos used in Vietnam - where there are no camels at all

Needless to say the British presence is not missed in Yemen.

There was a catchy pop-song by a black US act named the Womacks - which is close to Wombat I think the chorus had something about "footsteps reminding me of you" in it

I do possess a kangaroo's scrotum as a keepsake of Australia.

Possums are cute


Spiros said...

Wombats are larger than frogs.

Also, I am totally uninterested in teenaged boys, normal or otherwise.


The back of the hill said...

Graham, by possum you must mean a different marsupial than the common moron-rat of the United States. Cute, not quite an accurate description.

My first intro to the native nosferatu-rodent was seeing a family of Mexicans chase one down the street, pelting it with rocks and clods of earth. The foul beast had eaten their lettuce.

Raccoons, on the other hand, are much more intelligent, and have much more character. The only problem is they think they own the place, we're just mobile obstacles to them.

The back of the hill said...

And Lev, you will please note that there is an entire post devoted to wombats. Enjoy. Between yourself and Spiros, I expect some stellar wombatty comments.

Graham's eloquent essay on Queen Beatrix will, I hope, also excite you. I look forward to critical commentary. Or a further development of the theme.

Anonymous said...

I was referring to the Oz-possum:

They do smell a bit but they are cute the way they scrabble about at night -

I was unaware that the USA had possums too - it seems yours are Opossums but you do not say the "O" Yours look leaner & meaner too

Possum is also a greeting among Ozzies - Hello possum = G'day mate

Anonymous said...

"Are there any tobaccos that smell of possum?"

Spiros said...

"Oh dear...the radio's exploded."
"What's on the tellie, then?"
"Looks like a wombat, from here."


Anonymous said...

A rana is a nobleman who lives in the great Thar desert. Indeed, kweedado the rana. A wapist, a wobber and wascal is he.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I have a vewy gweat fwend in Wompur named Wana.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

What, you do not find that wizzable?

He has a wife, you know.....

Hew name ith Incontinentia Buttox!

---Gwant Patew

Anonymous said...

We don need no steenking bodges.

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