Friday, July 11, 2008


and wants to be reunited with the owner.

If you own a red water bottle with Hello Kitty on it, she spent the night in the lonely ops department in my cube.

I think I see tears, but cannot be sure….
She is waiting to be rescued.


The above was an e-mail that our customer service person sent out. Proving, conclusively, that she is the right person for the job. Notice that she is not talking down to the person who owns a red Hello Kitty water bottle, but is sympathizing sincerely with their loss, and feels their deep angst and pain. She wants the two of them to be re-united.

Whether she wants anything else for those two and their misguided pairing is a question best left unanswered.


Anonymous said...

Your intellect astounds me.


Anonymous said...

Are yoiu suggesting a strange sexual fetish?



---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Cheese susceptible to bat-disease.


---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Strangest comment string yet. You are all nuts.


Anonymous said...


That way Hello Kitty will always be with her.

From this blog:

You are not alone.

The back of the hill said...

Thank you. That one goes on the blogroll. We always like obsessions. Spiritually that is a nice pink blog.

Readers, if you see something you like on Hello Kitty Hell, please feel no shame about writing to the blogowner there. I am sure he will respond to you with all the consideration and gravitas you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kitty is the cutest thing. Sooo cuuuute! Cute cute cute.

A surefire lure for teenage girls. You should have lots of Hello Kitty merchandise on your person at all times. You will be irresistable to teenage girls.

Old ladies too.

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

I'm not sure how many old ladies I could have on my person at one time; I sure as hell would hate to find out. I guess I am not that desperate to attract teenage girls.

Anonymous said...

These show the lengths to which one will go in pursuit of cute.

Hello Kitty cultmember with hole where his sanity used to be:

Hello Kitty Christian. Says it all.

Rabid dog who loves Hello Kitty tattoo:

Observant Jews are impervious to Hello Kitty. We don't worship foreign gods. We have our own mishuggos.


Anonymous said...

Hello Kitty ain't lost, Hello Kitty is a belligerent whore.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Speaking as one who doesn't indulge in school girls OR old ladies, and isn't really that interested, a question presents itself: are there any tobaccos out there that smell like Hello Kitty?

That tattoo site does not mention. Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

For the true geek-nerd: Hello Kitty Pocket Protector.

Surely it already exists?

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