Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Attorney Amnon De Hartog of the Israeli Attorney General's office smacked MK (member of knesset) Yaakov Cohen (United Torah Judaism) in the face Tuesday morning.

And now Hareidim are in an uproar.

The incident, which resulted from bad blood between the Hareidim and the attorney over his repeated refusals of funding for certain Hareidi educational programs, reached a boiling point when De Hartog called Yaakov Cohen an animal. Cohen then took it over the top by saying: "You're worse than the Germans; they wanted to destroy the body, while you want to destroy our soul."

De Hartog, who lost over twenty members of his family in Holland during the war, then warned Cohen that he would hit him. Cohen dared him to do just that. So De Hartog knocked him to the floor.

De Hartog is religious-Zionist, Cohen is Hareidi-religious.

I am neither, so I should not have a bird in this cock-fight.

But obviously I do. I am vested emotionally in the justice and tzadkus on the side of attorney De Hartog and find mr. Cohen's comment to have been beyond the pale, reprehensible, and loathsome. A disgusting comment, for which that grauber cossack should be censured and excoriated.
I feel that De Hartog should've trapped that boerekinkel firmly in the kloten. But in lieu thereof, I'll settle for administering another frosk in ponim.

Other than that, carry on boys. Debate is good.


In other news, a Hareidi man who requested that several young Arab men on a bus in Jerusalem cease harassing Jewish girls also traveling on the bus was beaten up.

It's fairly clear who the civilized side in this incident is, isn't it? I mean, can there be any doubt? And it isn't as if this is an isolated occurrence, or out of character. Nor is it arguable that such behaviour represents years and years of frustration over injustice (even though I know that some people will claim exactly that). Harassing girls is just not cricket. Those shgatzim need to be worked over with a rubber hose and sent back weeping to their mommies.


Anonymous said...

Seems like the law applies not only to blogs but to K'nesset debates as well.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Yep. We definitely see eye to eye in this.

And in the second story, which I plan to blog (saw it on Arutz 7), it's refreshing to see a Chareidi acting like a human being...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah Goy is ah Goy. Vus Farshteit Ah Goy? Der Hartuch Iz Ah Rusheh. Ah Shlechteh. Tzi Em Kimpt Groiseh Petch.

Fin Dein Freint.

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