Friday, July 27, 2007


The XGH wrote:
"6 days of creation took 15 billion years. Thats roughly 2.5 billion years per day. So the next shabbos is not till another, well, about 15 billion years actually. That's the good news. The bad news is that shabbos will last for about 2.5 billion years, so better make lots of cholent."

That actually PROVES the seven days! Cooked food will start going bad within a few days (real earth days, our time), ergo no matter how much tsholnt you make, it will NOT last for the amount of time a cosmic (2.5 billion years) shabbes would take, or even a fraction of that time.
Proof that a day can only be within the same set of parameters that we are used to. No more than about eighty hours (approximate full-fermentation of cholent), no less than twenty hours (eighteen hours of cooking, and at least two hours for your acid-indigestion to hit its stride).

Unless, of course, the Master of the Universe intends to drop tsholnt from the sky at regular intervals (which suggests that mon and tsholnt have much in common, and that you should eat twice as much as normal during that period). Or twice as often if that is your minhag.


The above is pursuant a discussion of Torah truth versus Scientific truth taking place on Dovbear's blog (blog here: post in question here:


Nuggets comment-mined:

" But if we actually SAY this, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly known as 'Congregation of the Holy Office', inter alia) will undoubtedly have us burned at the stake."

" We were the people of the book. Now we are the people of the dogma."
" Does it follow that any word whatsoever that anyone has ever said about the Torah is true?"

" Since you seem fascinated in adopting a relationship with G-d which is based on scientific fact, rather than Torah truths, I'm curious how you handle this."

" Hey, maybe God did give the Torah at Sinai but he's an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent trickster God and nothing he wrote in the Good Book was true. I wonder if he would be impressed by our absolutely insane Kiruv proofs and rationalizations..."

" So, yes, "facts" can't contradict the "True" Quran, but they can contradict human, fallible perceptions of the Quran, and that, rather than the Quran itself, is what (often) needs to be reworked in light of newly discovered facts."

" And if you don't like Cholent, we might have to check and see if you're actually Jewish..."

" Ramban Shmos 21:2
Also discussing shmita, and the significance of seven cycles, he says: And the seventh was chosen for days, for years, and for shmita but it all relates to another matter and this is the secret of the age of the universe (sod y'mos ha'olam)

Also, in the Disputation, the Ramban says he does not believe that the word Yom always means Day in Hebrew.

I was planning to not attribute these quotes and tell you to cruise over there to read the entire comment thread instead. But then I bethought me that if I did that, you would stay there for hours and forget to read my blog. Which does not accord with your purpose in being here, or my intention in writing this.

A gittn & gebentshte shabbes oder wochnende, y'all.


Tzipporah said...

snort. exactly. You're sort of like the "Good Parts" version of the Princess Bride... :)

The back of the hill said...

Think of me instead as an 'Amphibian Of Unusual Size'.

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