Tuesday, May 15, 2007


[No, Steg, this is not the posting I refered to in my blikspost - that one is further down.]

Chaim writes and cites:

The uncensored Rambam wrote this in Laws of Kings Chapter 11:
"[That man] who aspired to be the Moshiach and was executed by the court was also spoken of in Daniel's prophecies [Daniel 11:14], "The renegades among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble."

"Can there be a greater stumbling block than [Chrixxxxxity]? All the prophets spoke of Moshiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior, who would gather their dispersed ones and strengthen their [observance of] the mitzvos.
In contrast
[the founder of Chrixxxxxity] caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humiliated, the Torah to be supplanted [by a pretender], and the majority of the world to err and serve a Deity other than the HaShem."

"Nevertheless, the intent of the Creator of the world is not within the power of man to comprehend, for [to paraphrase Yeshayahu 55:8] His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. [Ultimately,] all the matters of [the gentleman from Nazareth] and that Ishmaelite [i.e. M-h-mmed] who arose after him serve only to pave [straighten] the way for the coming of Mashiach and for the improvement of the entire world, [motivating the nations] to serve G-d together, as it is written [Zephaniah 3:9], "I will transform the people’s speech to clarity so that they will all call upon the Name ofHashem and serve Him with one purpose."

"How has this unfolded? The concepts of the Messiah, as well as those of Torah and the mitzvos have spread throughout the world, even to its farthest flung islands. These matters have been spread among many spiritually obtuse (dull – desensitized) nations, who discuss these matters as well as the mitzvos of the Torah. Some of them say: "These commandments were true, but are not in force in the present age; they are not applicable for all time." Others say: "Implied in the commandments are hidden concepts that cannot be understood simply; the Moshiach has already come and revealed them."

"When the true anointed King will arise and prove successful, his [position becoming] exalted and uplifted, they will all recant and realize that their ancestors endowed them with a false heritage; their prophets and ancestors misled them."

The astute reader will notice that a particular name is missing from the text above. I have replaced it with ‘that man’ in square brackets, as do not wish to alert certain possible readers of this blog to any part of the text above.
[For some reason, posting that man's name pulls in the oddest people - maybe they do websearches for that name, or google it. It is a pheromone of astounding potency, if nothing else.]

Why do I not wish to alert them?

Because they will comment, from a position of rigid ignorance, with many misspellings and much passion. [And note, this blog is not about the passion.]
They would also contend that there is naught in the NT that is not consistent with the Tanach. That is a point of view which is based upon a cursory familiarity with parts of the Tanach, and a simplistic reading of the NT.
It is a flawed and ignorant position which causes much trouble.

So why did I post that which Chaim cited?

Because I need a place to store it.
It occurred in a comment string on Dovbear’s blog, and you know how hard it is to remember where you last saw something and to try to retrace your steps. It’s a good citation, and a good potential basis for further discussion.

Plus, one of my fellow Anarcho-Zionists is currently whacking his way through the Rambam. He'll like the quote.


Anonymous said...

Glad that you read it.

Tzipporah said...

BoTH, you know you're just enabling Chaim G in his avoidance of getting his own blog...

We get these passionate misspellers on a regular basis at the Jewish families board on BabyCenter.

Anonymous said...

"From Moses to Moses, there is no other like Moses."

Rambam even discusses political soveriegnty over the Holy Land coming once against into Jewish hands as Messianic. A religious Zionist, and an early one.

Kol tuv;


Anonymous said...

So why did I post that which Chaim cited?

It's called comment mining. A time-honored blogging minhag.

Met a Miner-fourty-niner and his name was B.O.T.H.

LadyBird; don't you know? we charedim are inveterate parasites always living off the labors of others. Why should I build a blog of my own when there are so many good ones to pasture at already?

Besides if I build they will not come!

The back of the hill said...

Tzipporah, I have NO problem enabling..... some might even say that I do it well.

Chaim, if you build a blog they could very well come. Why not?
Envision, if you will a place where the followers of Teitelbaum and Schneerson could meet in perfect amity.

Or perfect enmity.

Either eventuality would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

LOL.. You flatter me.

marcel said...

leave your small advertisements on the forum of jewisheritage.f

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