Thursday, May 31, 2007


There has been firm pressure to step-down and take a backseat this Sunday as regards the actions of the local soneiYisroel.

Our friend 'Amar' had this reaction:

I was downtown (observing) the night of the massive anti-war demonstrations in San Francisco. I think it was March 2003. I did not know what to think of the pending war, and I was curious to get the perspective of the anti-war folks.

The police permitted small groups of "demonstrators", sometimes just one "demonstrator", to stand in front of a line of cars for a long time, tieing up that line of cars un-necessarily. One "demonstrator" was letting small cars though faster, but SUV sat for a long time. Of course small cars behind the SUV were suffering just as the SUV driver suffered. This was happening all over Market street and nearby streets. There were numerous police on foot and in police cars parked, thinking all this was just fine.

Other "demonstrators" were emptying trash cans in the streets, doing various acts of vandalism.
Again, this is fine with the police.

I spent some time asking various "demonstrators" what would they propose as an alternative to deposing the Iraqi dictator. I could not find anyone that had even thought about it.

These folks that I observed and spoke to were not demonstrators at all, they were young people having fun. The police thought it was just fine.

The San Francisco police are so lame that they are more deeply frightening to me than police that are overly aggressive in policing.

So, as far as I can tell - and the JVP folks might not know this - they could get away with anything, including verbally assaulting attendees at close range, and the SF police would do nothing. At least that's on my experience. I hope I'm wrong.


A dark assessment, but it is largely justified.
The police will probably intervene before any actual violence happens.
But threatening and cursing the attendees and their children will be considered free speech.
As long as nothing actually gets thrown...... while there is anybody watching.
Just grimace and bear it.

I fully expect some of the anti-Israel crowd to scream obscenities and epithets this Sunday.

The good news is that there will be plenty of witnesses.

I'll be happy to translate certain Arabic phrases for people who have never heard them before, and explain that these exact phrases were screamed by angry mobs in front of the consulate or in Civic center in the last few years, just as they were in 1929 in Hebron, Tel Aviv, Tzfas, and Jerusalem.

Who knows, it might get their danders up.
Eternal hope-springing, dontcha' know.


Anonymous said...

All the possums and wusses in the Bay area can't hold a candle to "us few, us, happy few, us band of unaffiliated rogue elephants".
See ya Sunday, chaver shel'li.

Tzipporah said...

So, nu, what happened?

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

what the heck? blocking traffic and they don't get arrested?!? wimps. both the police AND the protesters.

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