Thursday, May 17, 2007


I'll be counter-demonstrating the Bay Area Women in Black again this Saturday. Same as the last five or six weeks. Along with about a dozen other members of SF Voice for Israel.

It's actually quite enjoyable. You see, our presence discomfits them. They feel less assured about their cause than they would if we were not facing them and disputing their point of view. Dark clouds drift across the sun for them when we are around.

Given that I am usually operating under a lack of sleep, and an insufficiency of caffeination on Saturday morning, that's one hell of an achievement. It's a lot more than I would otherwise be capable of.

[Speaking purely for myself here - other members of SF Voice for Israel are much more awake at that hour on a Saturday, and one or two of them have brass balls besides. A capable lot.]

Although the Bay Area Women in Black claim to be for peace and have endorsed the two state solution, they have demonized Israel, lambasted the IDF, praised those who used or advocated violence against Israel, said naught about the victims on the Israeli side, and stood in solidarity with anti-Semites. They standardly denounce all Israeli self-defensive actions.

Those who have stood with them have demanded an end to all support for Israel, lauded suicide bombers, and called for the violent destruction of the state of Israel and all Jews.

More than mere anti-Semitism, although that certainly plays a part, there is something obscene about the obsession that some do-goodniks have with Israel and the Palestinians, in addition to a twisted white guilt thing.

To see exactly what I mean by that, click on this link:
[The image is on Treppenwitz's site - he got it from elsewhere, and credits]

"Right now entire villages in Darfur are being murdered. But please, keep talking about Israel."

Makes one wish that psychological help was more widely available. People like the Bay Area Women in Black would benefit from it.

Fortunately, this Saturday is also the day that they will have their therapy-workshop on centering themselves and cleaning their auras, or whatever it actually is that they've hired that consultant to teach them. Our presence has so upset and hurt them that they went and got some help. They're probably also going to do some role-playing exercises.

Perhaps I should lend them my mock-up of Farfur the Vicious Hamas Mouse - they probably love his soft-fuzzy charm and childish voice.


Yes, I know that this is not a nice post. It isn't meant to be.
Not only do I deny that the point of view of Bay Area Women in Black has any validity, and refuse to accept that every issue has two sides - which is nothing more than a stupid cliché - but I despise them and their loathsome agenda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um...since when do we look to you (or anyone worth reading, for that matter) for "nice post"s? To loosely paraphrase Annie Savoy in BULL DURHAM: "Nice? I hate nice! Baby ducks are nice; I wan't to read blogs that are snarky, abstruse, and mysterious."
Unless, of course, you want to talk about Borat's "Very Niiice", which is a whole different animal.

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