Friday, May 04, 2007


Final paragraph of article about Carter in the Berkeley Edu news center blurble ( ):

"---Asked what students and others can do to help him in his efforts to shed light on the Palestinians' trials, he had an equally firm answer. As candidates for the presidential nomination pass through California in the months to come, he said, audiences should compel them to make this straightforward pledge: "If elected, I will do everything possible to promote balanced negotiations to achieve peace and security for Israel and a secure and contiguous state for Palestine."
"If they won't make you that pledge," Carter said firmly, "don't support them." ---"

From the entry for 'contiguous; in Encarta ( ):

con·tig·u·ous [ kən tíggyoo əss ]



1. adjoining: sharing a boundary or touching each other physically

2. neighboring: situated next to something else or to each other

3. continuous: connected together so as to form an unbroken sequence in time or an uninterrupted expanse in space


Contiguous? Either he means that Israel should take back Gaza or give up all of the center of the country plus the Negev.

From Pride and Prejudice:
"From this day onward, you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do NOT marry Mr Collins, and I will never see you again if you do."

Quite the choice, isn't it? What is clear is that neither Carter nor many in his audience have a good knowledge of geography and history. Or maybe they do, and they are evil.

That pledge advocates splitting Israel, or destroying it outright.

Any candidate who will not make that pledge shall not get Carter's approval.
But any candidate that DOES make that pledge, should not get anybody else's approval.

I'm glad he drew that line so clearly.

And more than ever I regret having voted for that loathsome man. Even though at the time, it was the least unappetizing thing to do, given that the choice was between a terrible rightwing ideologue and a nookyooler fizzizzist.


Tzipporah said...

He really said CONTIGUOUS?? Honestly, wtf is he thinking?? (Is this about that guarded/walled "road" they were going to build b/t Gaza and the West Bank?)

Kees DeLaRey said...

Indeed loathesome. Like Tutu, and like all other sponsors of Sabeel.

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