Monday, May 07, 2007


Our counter protests are having a bad effect on the Bay Area branch of Women-in-Black.
In addition to hiring a psychic healer to guide them through recentering their gravity or rectifying their auras (whatever - it all sounds like voodoo), this past shabbes they brought white sage to their silent vigil.

White sage is used for purification and to drive away evil spirits.

[Bay Area Women In Black (BAWIB) resemble the Israeli activist group only in name, and in that a few of their members are (allegedly) Jewish - a number of them are of no known Jewish heritage and affiliated with groups which support Hamas and Hezbollah.]

Who are these evil spirits that they wish to drive away?

That would be us. 'SF for Israel'. Plus some of the kehilla of Beis Avrohom. We're "diluting their message" and 'disturbing the force', or something.

[They are very upset that we do not agree with their pacifistic "destroy Israel and all will be well with the world" message. We're such selfish Zionists.]

For further data, follow this link:
Note especially the mention of the Schijveschuurder family in the piece, as in part it explains much of my involvement, and they deserve to be remembered.

One other link that I wish to bring to your attention:
This is the blog of a number of Bay Area Pro Israel activists. Please read, comment, give suggestions and feedback. And feel free to pass the link along to friends.
A sheynem dank foroys.


Tzipporah said...

Maybe next time you should bring a bull for a purification offering. ;-}

Anonymous said...

Its ironic that after reading Parshah Emor, where, among other things, HaShem tells us that fetishes and such things are non-Judaic,heathen practices that the WIB, while pretending outwardly to be Jewish, are engaging in W-cc-n rites to ward off actual Jews!

Es ein meshuganer velt!

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