Thursday, May 03, 2007


Midianite Manna ( has inadvertently created a completely hidden room in the bloggosphere.

And, having the opportunistic sensibilities of a Dutch anarchist squatter, I feel like I'm eyeing a prize mansion on one of the inner canal rings of Amsterdam. The moment the owner goes on vacation to Paramaribo, that squatter could just move in and bring a whole bunch of pot-smoking tie-dyed weasels along. Put up some disco-balls, and hack into the electric grid to power-up a cannabis plantation.

Or some other equally loopy fantasy. The point being that the doorway is unlocked, and the Benz is in the driveway. The blender is plugged in, the liquor cabinet is open, and there's a goat on the hallway rug. The butler has the day off, and the maid went to visit her mom. Whatever. It's a metaphor.

What happened is this: Midianite Manna put up a posting for a limited time so that a conversation could take place in the comments about something Chaim G. wrote elsewhere.
She warned her readers that she would take down the posting permanently that same afternoon.

Which, true to her word, she did.

Now, here's a peculiarity of blogger: The comment section has it's own address. And in consequence, the comment section is still out there, floating somewhere in outer space, with no way for anyone to discover it. Neat, huh?

I just love the oddness of a hidden room. A chamber of secrets.

I may invite others in, seeing as I have the address. But it would only be with the express approval of the blogger herself, as whoever has access and posts comments there would be walzing around in a mansion that she used to occupy.
Any comments, in consequence, get e-mailed to her in-box. So she herself would have to be in on it. Otherwise it could be a nuisance.

Think of it as an opportunity for a coffee-klatch, or a discussion group among friends.

Feedback, please. Especially from Tzipporah. Let me repeat: especially from Tzipporah.


Tzipporah said...

I love it!!!!

send me the URL in email - since I've turned off the comment moderation, I'm not sure whether new comments can go up at all.

I'm especially curious about that goat.

Looking Forward said...

Believe me comments can still go up. I've got a couple hundred sealed rooms in my blog that people can access that I still have the access points to :-)

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