Wednesday, September 06, 2006


['Do not go as a talebearer among your people' - Seifer Vayikra, Parshas Kedoshim, Psook 19;16]

Sometime in February, the Godolhador wrote on his blog: " I also expect that most mature people realize that when I call someone a 'raving lunatic' I mean it in the best possible way, with oodles and oodles of love and kisses and hugs and affirmation and empathy etc. OK, maybe one or two times there was the slightest hint of a speculation of a teensy weensy bit of annoyance on my part. For that I sincerely apologize, and I promise never ever to do it again until next time."

Very well then. I do not want leprosy.

So let me clarify that when in my previous posting I referred to Anja Meulenbelt and Greta Duisenberg as "neurotic swamp-trull gorgons", I meant it positively, in the best possible way, with sheer bucket-loads of supportive love and respect for their points of view. Really. I fully support their rights to be anti-Semitic harpies if it makes them finally feel good about themselves. Yes.

Also, when I wrote that Anja Meulenbelt "is monumentally frustrated that not everyone worships her gand, so she's getting rid of her bile in the only way she can - by squawking and scratching", this was entirely speculative.

There is actually no conclusive evidence.

It seems a reasonable supposition

But it may not be her gand that itches. It could be another part of her anatomy.

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