Friday, September 08, 2006


Discovered a brilliant blog, immediately worth listing on my blog-roll.

To whit:

The second from the first posting was this:

Oh newfanglenesse! Y have learned the privitees of the manye abbreviaciouns ywritten on the internette. OMG: "oh mine ++DOMINUS++". ROFL: "rollinge on the floore laughinge". IRL: "in reale lyfe." WTF: "whatte the swyve?"

Beinge somethinge of an innovator myselfe, Y presente to yow, churles and gentils alle, the followynge abbreviaciouns. May they serven yow welle in your internette communicacioun:
GP: gentil person
WC: woole customes
XC: Exchequer
BATJG: biggere arsehole thanne john gowere
BSL!: by seinte loy!
OTPBRB: Offe to parliamente, be ryghte back
SNAPFU - BYXCA: supposedely nyce annuitie paymente fuckede uppe by the XC againe
KRBMA: Kynge Richarde II buggynge me againe
AOMSHJDOTBD: anothere of myne servauntes hath just dyede of the blacke death
EISBYMIWATCHDNSTHD: eftsoon I shall be ycleped mad if worke atte the customes house doth not settle the helle downe

Should the authors of this blog attempt a version of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? I think so. And so do you. Go ahead and tell them so.

NOTE 1. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor "Old Blatherskite" Coleridge can be viewed here: , but remember, it doesn't come in any flavour, it's a bleeding seabird.]

NOTE 2. It was E-kvetcher ( who in a recent posting brought 'Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog to my attention.

A gitte, gebentshte shabbes, y'all.


Chana said...


Anonymous said...

then you might like this version of the iliad as well

The back of the hill said...


I do!

Very much.

Have forwarded link, and will be at some point very soon (like tomorrow afternoon) adding it to my blogroll.

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