Tuesday, September 19, 2006


On September 12th. Chardal mentioned a methodology of the Rambam.

And so of course, one thing leading to another, I've been working on a comparison of the Rambam's approach (Why? And How?) to that of Brisk (What?).

I'm now in the classic position of thinking that I have it all figgered out (the post, that is), it's just that there are one or two more things I really need to incorporate, which requires a bit more detail, and a clarification........

And what that really means is that an entire week has gone by, I've posted nothing in that time, and the post I was working on has been deleted because it was crap. Trust me.
I may say something worthwhile about what I've been reading in the last week at some point in the future, but at even a superficial level, what I know I cannot formulate, and what I can formulate simply illustrates how little I know.

There are several other posts that have been put on the blech, so to speak, and will probably not be coming out soon.

For which I apologize.

I need more coffee.

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