Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Tia alerts me to another anti-Israel protest from the dark side, this one happening tomorrow.

Which hardly gives us any time to organize a significant counter protest to let people know that we strongly agree with Senator Feinstein, and strongly disagree with the point of view of those who wish ill on Israel.

Below is the forwarded text from the bad guys:

Press Conference at 4:30
Rally and Protest at 5 PM
Thursday, July 27
Senator Feinstein’s Office
1 Post (at Montgomery and Market streets -
Montgomery BART)


Press Conference at 4:30
Rally and Protest at 5 PMThursday, July 27
Senator Feinstein’s Office
1 Post (at Montgomery and Market streets -Montgomery BART)
San Francisco, CA

Senator Dianne Feinstein fully supports Israeli war crimes and terrorism against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. Feinstein speaking at rally on Sunday vowed to continue her support for Israel’s widespread violations of international and humanitarian law that are causing hundreds of civilian deaths and destroying critical civilian infrastructures. With Feinstein’s support, the U.S. Congress approved a resolution giving Israel its full support just days after the U.S. government used its power to veto a UN resolution critical of Israel.

The Israeli military is collectively punishing the Lebanese and Palestinian populations by killing hundreds of civilians and destroying critical civilian infrastructures. There have been over 400 Lebanese civilians killed by Israeli military over the last 2 weeks including many children. There have been verified reports of the use of phosphorus bombs on civilians fleeing the Israeli siege in Lebanon. Gaza is with out adequate food and water and not only faces daily incursions by the Israeli occupation forces but has also been put under an economic embargo for months that targets the most vulnerable in Gaza.

On Thursday we will mobize to demand that Feinstein and the US government support human rights and justice instead of their perpetuation of racism and violence. We demand that the US immediately pressures Israel to stop its aggression on Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. We demand the US government end the use of our tax dollars for enabling on-going Israeli oppression of Palestinians and attacks on the people of Lebanon. Please join us for a Press Conference and Protest at Senator Feinstein’s office building this Thursday.



Please copy and forward this notice.
And also add a comment letting me/us know if you will be there.

Bring Israeli and American flags, and/or signs showing your support of Senator Dianne Feinstein and Israel.

I realize this is short notice, but if you work in downtown SF, the time and place are easy. And again, let everyone know, and add a comment to this post. Thank you.


charismatic megafauna said...


I'll probably see you there.

Anonymous said...

Never thought of Di Fi as being Pro-Israel before. Yawp!

treppenwitz said...

I admire you for your energy and activism, but fighting this crowd is just plain tiring.

They are the same ilk that used to march through Spraul Plaza shouting pro-Palestinian slogans... and by the time they would reach the end of the plaza they would be shouting 'kill the Jews'. Even back then they had trouble remembering their cover story.

Keep up the good work. I don't know where you find the strength.

The back of the hill said...

Tayere Treppenwitz,

Part of it is just wanting to show that not all of the electorate agrees with the strident voices. Part of it is adding my own strident voice. What can I say? I'm just full of piss and vinegar.

If people see that there are two sides, then the public discourse will be more balanced. Not necessarily fairer, but more balanced.

A small part of it, but maybe, subconsciously a very significant part, is getting back at the ultra-left in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Western Europe..... I do not remember them or their rhetoric with any great fondness.

In the same way as I did not appreciate them ganging up on anyone who disagreed (or represented the other side) back then, I do not appreciate their tactics and lack of perspective now. A complex issue cannot be reduced to "oh those poor poor Arabs, gettin' beaten up by evil evil Jooz" now.

Progroms may be a thing of the past, but the mentality is very much alive among the ultras.

There is much more to it than that, of course. It isn't a question of underdog, and even if it is, underdoggity does not determine who is right and what is just.

A thug holed up in a quickie-mart he has just jacked, surrounded by a swat team with semis and tear-gas, is an underdog. But a very wrong underdog.

A rabid skunk facing a householder with a rifle is an underdog. But the householder, while perhaps sympathizing with the beast on an intellectual level, would be wise to blast the critter.

Anonymous said...

JCRC and SfV4I put out an alert, so maybe we'll get some folk.

I am also weary of screaming across police barricades. But without our side showing up, the media and the public only hear one voice. Like OJ Simpson not taking the stand in his own defence- our absence is viewed as guilt, and it gives the bad guys ample opportunity to manipulate facts, unchallenged.

I also think that its easy for the local young'ens to take the existence of Israel for granted...and its good for them to see what we are up against.

The big fight is on Aug.12. Save the date. This is when we really need to get the numbers out.

BBJ said...

Hey--will not make today, family stuff does not allow me to head to the city. Sorry to miss it.

Very much hope to be in town for the 12th.

The back of the hill said...

No problem.

There will always be other events.

And the twelfth is a more important thing - from which some people may stay away due to shabbes.

And speaking of which, it might be worthwhile to think in terms of lodging overnight in the city.....

BBJ said...

A good idea--I'll see about sleeping over at my mom's.

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