Wednesday, July 19, 2006


One of the ridiculous arguments used against Israel in this recent conflict is that Israel's reaction is disproportionate.

The flaw in this argument is demonstrated by the need to use the word 'reaction'.

As in 'Israel's reaction to the kidnapping of its soldiers', or 'Israel's reaction to acts of terrorism from Hamas or Hezbollah'.

To put it differently, Israel did not pick this fight. Israel chose to react to provocation, motivated by a need to prove that she values the lives of her soldiers and her citizens. The IDF is fighting according to standard military methodology, which advises that unless one is prepared to commit sufficient resources to winning, one will lose.

[Which really does mean that if you are going to war, you must be prepared and able to clobber the other side, bash them so hard they run screaming and incontinent back to their mommies. Sorry.]

[And I recall reading about this in Chairman Mao's book on military strategy and tactics. Now where did I put that communist crap from years ago.......?]

But many of the critics feel that it is unsporting of Israel to not give the enemy a fair chance of winning. War between the Arab world and Israel should be like a friendly game of golf, with the stronger side handicapped, so that those poor little Arabs can win at least one or two matches.

Or perhaps a gentlemanly game of dominoes. Or whist. Gin-rummy.
[With some tea and cakes for refreshment served halfway through.]

What utter idiots.

The Arabs never fight alone - the entire Arabic umma is solidly behind the provocateurs of the moment, and for years the Arab nations have been generously funding organizations such as the Harakat et-Tahrir el Watanniya el Filistinniya (liberation movement of the Philistine heartland - PLO), the Harakat el Muqawamma el Islammiya (the popular Islamic movement - HAMAS), and Hezbollah (Party of God).

All three of these groups have secured funds because of their Islamic extremism and anti-Semitism. And of course all three are experts at playing to the gallery, convincing many muddle-headed socialists in Europe that they actually do not mean what they say when they assert 'all of Palestine from the river to the sea', and that the sworn intent to exterminate the Jews and destroy the west is 'negotiable', or even 'rhetorical, meant only as propaganda for the simple fallaheen in the Arab Street'.

[Of course, when speaking to their own side, they have always reassured them that their determination to slaughter all Jews and then start on the Christians was undiminished.]

Regarding Hezbollah in particular, these folks were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans, hundreds of Israelis, and thousands of Sunnis, Christians, Druze, and even Shiites. If any group in the Middle-East deserves to be expunged to the last thief or murderer, it is Hezbollah. Their name should be erased.

What the Europeans fail to take into account (and the Arabs never overlook), is that if Israel lost even one war, there would be no more Israel. Whereas the Arabs have proven that they can lose any number of wars and keep bouncing back, like a daemonic bobble toy that cannot be destroyed or turned off.

Peace in the Middle-East would be much advanced if the countries that declared war against Israel after 1948 would finally abrogate the state of war - mere armistices are not enough, a hudna is not conducive to a real cessation of military action.
It is hypocritical to accuse Israel of aggression when you fund acts of terrorism against her while anxiously maintaining an unstable public peace. It is outright cowardice to fight by proxy and endanger civilians in other countries.

So, what the heck is wrong with those people?!!?

It's a valid question.

But perhaps there is another issue?

Perhaps it is not a question of the Arab countries being hypocritical, but one of the Arabs being honest, though in a way we do not recognize.

Perhaps what they object to is those uppity Jews fighting back, 'why the nerve of those disobedient untermenshen!'

Ever since the Caliphate, Arabs have been accustomed to being the dominant class, or at the very least comfortably at home with the belief that Jews were an underclass. The history of Jews in Arab countries is an unending tale of second-class status punctuated by occasional violence, enslavement, and forced conversion.

That ended in 1948.

And it was the Arabs who ended it.

By robbing Jews and expelling them.

So it's only natural that the Arabs are upset. They no longer have the Yahud in the Mellah to kick around, no one to rob at will, no muqriyati to casually kill, no Jewish women to rape.

The poor dears are lonely.

Abdullah and Achmed-Effendi miss their victims.

This probably also explains much of the European reaction, doesn't it?
Europeans certainly don't appreciate Jews talking back or standing up for themselves. It seems to make them ill. Why, something just ain't right about Jews who fight back.


Anonymous said...


the arabs captured the israelis in REACTION to the emprisonment of thousands of theirs.

and PLO isnt islamic extremist, just corrupt as hell.

The back of the hill said...

So it's Arabs versus Israelis?

No so-called ""Palestinians""?

In that case, what is the problem?
Why cannot the Arabs absorb their "refugees", who have lived among them for three generations, and give them the houses they robbed from the Sephardim they expelled?

The Israelis have absorbed as many refugee Jews as the Arabs have in fifty years of fecundity created in their camps - camps which the Arab nations insist must be maintained, because they do not wish those people to ever forget that they are unwanted refugees.

How odd that the Arabs encourage acts of war against Israel, but do so little for the refugees on whose behalf other Arabs commit murder.

Even odder that they invented the idea of Palestinian nationhood in the late sixties to highlight that they did not want those refugees to consider themselves Arabs, and equal to other Arabs, in the great Arab homeland.

The logic behind it is almost European.

Even odder that more Arabs live in Europe than were ever refugees from Israel. Surely Eurabia has room for a few more? Just give them the houses which you stole from the Jews you sent to the gas chambers.

See, the ""refugee"" problem could be solved so easily, if only you Europeans (and the Arabs) weren't so obtuse.

There's even a lovely village in the Netherlands where those Arabs can go: Valkenswaard. They'll love it there, and feel right at home. They have so much in common with the locals.

Anonymous said...

I said arabs because Hizbullah are obviously not palestinians.


"Why cannot the Arabs absorb their "refugees", who have lived among them for three generations, and give them the houses they robbed from the Sephardim they expelled?"

Because if people want to live somewhere they have the right to it.

"How odd that the Arabs encourage acts of war against Israel, but do so little for the refugees on whose behalf other Arabs commit murder."

Arab LEADERSHIP is something different than the average arabs. No doubt in my mind that the occupation is used to divert attention from internal affairs of the various arab countries.
This however does not diminish the injustice which has been visited upon the palestinians.

im going to ignore the most of the rabid nonsense

"See, the ""refugee"" problem could be solved so easily, if only you Europeans (and the Arabs) weren't so obtuse."

in my opinion, all borders should be opened.

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