Monday, July 31, 2006


One of my regular reads (The Big Pharaoh: ) directed my attention to a delightful discovery, and a superlative but TOTALLY POLITICALLY INCORRECT blogposting by the Bacon Eating Atheist Jew ( ).

The posting is here:

Let me quote just a little bit...


Anti-semite: Someone who hates Arabs.

Appeasement: A chance to show the world that Arab assmonkeys are good guys and mean no harm.

Arab Land: Every inch of land in the middle east, including part of Africa and probably Spain.

Cease fire: An opportunity for Arabs to replenish weapons.

Civilian: 1. Any Arab in civilian clothes. 2. Any Arab who was killed when used as a human shield.

Defending their country: Shooting missiles from civilian zones at civilians.

Disproportionate response: Anything a Jew does to strike out at a terrorist.

Freedom fighter: An Arab assmonkey terrorist, brainwashed to hate by an intolerant culture of hate.

Green Line: The border that Jews must retreat to even though it wasn't good enough for the Arab assmonkeys prior to 1967, the Arabs will magically accept this and live in peace even though their elected representatives state it will not be good enough.

Good Jew or Real Jew: A Jew who thinks Israel has no right to exist.

Holocaust: 1. Any war started by Arabs in which more than 10 Arabs were killed. 2. Something Jews are supposed to forget about. 3. Something that never happened, yet Jews have manipulated the "theft" of "Arab land" by conning the world into believing it did happen.

There's lots more.
If it doesn't at least crack a big smile all over your politically incorrect ponim, you don't have a sense of humour.
Please click here: to read the rest.

And read some of his other stuff. It's good for you.

And also drop by the Big Pharaoh ( ) for a different and much more balanced view of events in the Middle-East than I am capable of. Not that he's always right. But even when you disagree with him, you will find him a reasonable, rational, and witty man. The kind of man to whom you will want to talk back. The kind of man who makes the extremists on both sides look kinda subhuman.

One other blogger whom you can enjoy, but only if you read Dutch, is Abdelkader Benali (b. 1975) ( ), who writes from Beirut. Benali is the kind of Dutchman who can actually see both sides, and the kind of writer who can express in spare prose paragraphs what others cannot evoke even in sheer floods of verbosity.

He won the Libris prize three years ago for his novels and plays. His book 'Bruiloft Aan Zee' (Wedding By The Sea) is available at bookstores - check the internet for availability.

1 comment:

Baconeater said...

Thanks for the kind words and link.

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