Monday, July 17, 2006


update/reminder 11:45 AM

Counter Protest Jewish Anti-Israel demonstrationoutside the Israeli Consulate

Downtown San Francisco, 456 Montgomery Street
Monday, July 17th, 12 PM (noon)

Today at noon, “Jewish Voice For Peace” (JVP) and“Jews for a Free Palestine” (JFFP) will hold a “Jewish-led” demonstration against Israel. These groups havebeen issuing statements in the name of “Bay Area Jews”but the reality is that they represent only a fringeof the Jewish community and both groups reject Israel’s right to exist.

As always, Stand With Us/San Francisco Voice for Israel will counter the genocidal anti-Israel propaganda and hate, regardless of who is spreading the disinformation.
The world must know that JVP/JFFP do not speak for the Jewish Community in the Bay Area. Even if you can come for just a few minutes, please add your voice to the pro-Israel demonstration so that our enemies know that even when they try to keep us away by holding events during the workday, we will still be there!

StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel



Counter Protest Jewish Anti-Israel demonstration outside the Israeli Consulate Downtown San Francisco, 456 Montgomery Street
Monday, July 17th, 12 PM (noon)

BACKGROUND:On Monday at noon, “Jewish Voice For Peace” (JVP) and“Jews for a Free Palestine” (JFFP) will hold a “Jewish led” demonstration against Israel.

These groups have been issuing statements in the name of “Bay Area Jews” but the reality is that they represent only a fringe of the Jewish community and both groups reject Israel’s right to exist. JewishVoice for Peace endorses divestment from Israel, and consistently stands with those who actively work forIsrael’s destruction.
Most of their leaders have signed petitions in favor of the Palestinian “right of return” – code for flooding Israel with descendants of Arabs who leftIsrael in the 1948 war to demographically destroy theworld’s only Jewish State.

“Jews for a Free Palestine” is a member of the“Justice In Palestine” coalition with ANSWER andAl-Awda and openly endorses the destruction of Israel.

Throughout history, people of Jewish descent have stood with the oppressors of Jews, and the“anti-Zionist” movement is no different. Some are self-hating Jews. Some have adopted an extremist agenda and exploit their Jewishness in an attempt to insulate anti-Semites against charges of anti-Semitism. Others suffer from the “battered child syndrome” who believe that somehow Jewish persecution must be due to Jewish behavior, just as abusedchildren sometimes blame themselves for their abuse at the hands of others.


As always, StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israelwill counter the genocidal anti-Israel propaganda andhate, regardless of who is spreading the disinformation. The world must know that JVP/JFFP do not speak for the Jewish Community in the Bay Area. We will bring Israeli and American flags, pro-Israelsigns, and most importantly, the truth to counter the lies of the “house Jews.”

We know that it is very difficult with events coming so close together lately. Unfortunately, in this timeof crisis, our enemies have been relentless, and we in turn must not back down. Even if you can come for just a few minutes, please add your voice to thepro-Israel demonstration so that our enemies know thateven when they try to keep us away by holding events during the workday, we will still be there!

Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnicgroup including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians.
Signs in violation of our policies willnot be allowed.

Demand an end to rocket attacks against Israeli civilians!

Demand Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev, and Ehud Goldwasser be returned home safely!

Demand the Palestinian Authority and Lebanesegovernment put an end to terror attacks!

Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonizationof Israel!

Demand the Palestinian Authority and their local supporters choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!

StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 18th 5:30 PM – Pro-Israel rally inSacramento.
Location is not yet announced.
Go to for up to the minute details.

Sunday, July 30, 3:00PM – The Truth about the MiddleEast – Showings of the films “Relentless” and “TheHostages of Hatred” co-presented with the East BayIsrael Action Committee and the Kol Emeth IsraelAction Committee and sponsored by Congregation of theRussian Jewish Community of San Francisco.Jewish Community Center of San Francisco 3200 California Street San Francisco, CA

Saturday, August 12th – Wrong, A.N.S.W.E.R. counterrally.
10:30 AM, Civic Center, downtown San Francisco.

Saturday, October 28th – Wrong, A.N.S.W.E.R. counterrally.
Details coming when they are available.

Do you want to become more involved with organizing our activities?

Send a message to

If you are interested in participating in our campaignto counter anti-Israel speakers, please send an e-mailto

Join the discussion! Do you have ideas? Classes to announce? Events to announce or discuss? Join ourdiscussion list by sending an e-mail to

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a non-partisan coalition that takes no position on the war in Iraq,the settlements, or Israel's final borders.
Our members span the political spectrum and are united only by our commitment to preserving the State ofIsrael as a Jewish State within secure borders.

Please send your tax deductible donation to Stand With Us - P.O. Box 341069, Los Angeles, CA 90034-1069. Write SFV4I in the memo line.


Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

you're making me want to be in California and counter-protest. and i'm not even a fan of protesting.

The back of the hill said...

Heck yes you should come.

Making eye-contact with a venombag on the other side and getting her to go into paroxisms was great fun - especially as she lost her voice and nearly fainted. It's street theatre. One must encourage the other side to have fits and look stupid.

The cheerful Arab-American youth wasn't there today, but some of the more fanatical Berkeleyite crowd was. Several of them got arrested.

I've now got:
1. Minor sunburn;
2. Major headache;
3. All sweaty;
4. Dander up;
5. And an Israeli flag in my cubicle. Which, given that the consulate is only three blocks from the office, will come in handy over the next several days.

I also met several more nice people - at least one of whom reads this blog.

Anonymous said...

"I also met several more nice people - at least one of whom reads this blog."

And I also met some nice people, at least one of whom writes this blog.

I think todays event was a clear victory for our side. The presence of the jihadis served to dilute the voice of the JVP - its hard to stand with folks who are screaming for blood, and to call yourself the "voice for peace".

Our young people were magnificent- they sang "Why can't we be friends?", only to have the jihadis respond with "we support Hezbollah".

And our slogans are getting better....I thought "Palestine will be free when terrorists are in the sea" had a certain charm.
And "No peace, no state" seemed like an appropriate response to their usual "No Justice, no peace"

Rumor on the streets is that they are planning another demonstration for July 31. We'll keep you informed.

Shalom, Chaver

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