Tuesday, July 11, 2006


If you are in the Bay Area, and you happen to think that Israel, despite her warts, is never-the-less a very worthwhile enterprise that gets far too much criticism (and if like me you also think that the critics are a bunch of bigoted pustules who should in all fairness also direct their spleen at many other countries but don't), then this next message is for you.




Counter Protest Anti-Israel demonstration outside theIsraeli Consulate Downtown San Francisco, 456 Montgomery Street Thursday, July 13th, 4:30PM


Background: On Thursday afternoon during rush hour, al-Awda,A.N.S.W.E.R., MECA, and ISM will once againdemonstrate at the Israeli Consulate in downtown SanFrancisco against Israel’s actions in Gaza. On MondayJuly 3rd, they protested not just Israel’s defensive action in Gaza, but its very existence.

Amongst chants of “kill the Jews” and signs decrying the “58year occupation,” they failed to mention the sustained barrage of missiles from Gaza into Israel prior to the military action, the assassination of an Israeli youth and attempted kidnappings of girls in the West Bank.

When Israel disengaged from Gaza last year, they promised that assaults on Israel from Gaza would be met with harsh response. In line with international demands, Israel opened the border crossings with Gaza when there were not specific terrorist threats and turned over the Rafah crossing to the Palestinians with international observers. Despite this, the Gazan militant groups, many supported or funded by Hamas, intensified their rocket attacks into Israel.

Following a prolonged period where Israel exercised restraint in the face of continuing assaults, Israelstruck back at the militants terrorizing Israel’scities and farms near Gaza to put an end to theassault on its citizens.

On June 25th, Hamas escalated the conflict by kidnapping Gilad Shalit, a19 year old soldier. Last week, Hamas and their allied terror organizations escalated the conflictfurther by shooting several missiles into the majorIsraeli population center of Ashkelon, one hitting aschool where children and parents were registering forclasses.


Counter-Rally Details: San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us willcounter the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voice. We willbring Israeli and American flags, pro-Israel signs,and most importantly, the truth to counter the genocidal hate and lies of the anti-Israel groups.

Our presence at these events has proven highlyeffective at countering their message and making sure that the anti-Israel activists can not push their propaganda on the public unopposed.

Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, orPalestinians. Signs in violation of our policies willnot be allowed.

Demand an end to Palestinian rocket attacks againstIsraeli civilians!

Demand Cpl Gilad Shalit be returned home safely!

Demand the Palestinian Authority put an end to terror attacks!

Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!

Demand the Palestinian Authority and their localsupporters choose peace so that the Palestinian peoplecan have a future!

StandWithUs/ San Francisco Voice for Israel
www.SFVoiceForIsrael.org www.StandWithUs.com


Upcoming Events: Sunday, July 23, 2:00PM - The Truth about the MiddleEast – Showings of the films “Relentless” and “TheHostages of Hatred” co-presented with the East BayIsrael Action Committee and the Kol Emeth IsraelAction Committee and sponsored by Congregation of the Russian Jewish Community of San Francisco. Koret Auditorium of the new De Young Museum, Golden Gate Park in San Francisco

July 31st-August 9th – Stand With Us Mission to Israel http://www.standwithus.com/flyers/mission06low.pdf

Saturday, October 28th – Next wrong A.N.S.W.E.R. counter rally. Details coming when they are available.


Do you want to become more involved with organizing our activities? Send a message to

If you are interested in participating in our campaignto counter anti-Israel speakers, please send an e-mailto info@SFVoiceForIsrael.org

Join the discussion! Do you have ideas? Events or classes to announce? Join our discussion list by sending an e-mail to
sfproisrael-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a non-partisan coalition that takes no position on the war in Iraq, the settlements, or Israel's final borders. Our members span the political spectrum and are united only by our commitment to preserving the State ofIsrael as a Jewish State within secure borders.

Please send your tax deductible donation toStand With UsP.O. Box 341069Los Angeles, CA 90034-1069. Write SFV4I in the memo line.


Note I: Despite a surplus of exclamation marks in the text above (most removed - esthetic reason, not content-related), I urge you to join up and be there if you are in the Bay Area.
Why not? You got anything better to do?

Note II: Bring a sweater or a coat! Montgomery Street is a wind-tunnel in late afternoon - I froze my tuchus off the last time! Darned SF summers!

Note III: The Arab-Americans who show up to shout nonsense usually have a sense of humour, and are genuinely likeable. The anarchists and hate-bags are entirely different, and they HAVE been known to spit. Fortunately they're also usually obvious members of the loony fringe, and other than being warm bodies to flesh out the line, they are of scant use to anybody. But they do demonstrate why the sonei-yisroel faction outnumbers our side - many of them are clearly unemployable and scarcely functional. So bring handi-wipes.

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