Tuesday, July 18, 2006


[Please note: there is a section in Dutch at the end of this post. Consider it a love letter. Of sorts. Heartfelt, in any case. And also spleen felt. Please feel free to react - I am, as always, keenly interested in what a bunch of blinkered Dutch bigots have to say. The world also really values your opinions, due to your reputation for sincerity and honesty. Oh yes.]

In the comments to a Dovbearian posting (here: http://dovbear.blogspot.com/2006/07/a7-world-leaders-have-come-down.html), I contributed my own two cents worth:

Wert wrote "All the countries of the universe are Zionist this morning. "

Come again?

My dear Wert, I have assiduously been reading the foreign press, especially recently, and I do not notice a marked increase in Zionist sympathies.

Much the contrary, in fact.

So much so that I am in a state of permanent spleen towards Europe, particularly the Netherlands, whose radicals and unemployables have been vituperating much more venomously than usual against Israel. As an example of which I could cite the Algemeen Dagblad, save for the fact that while they have placed any number of vicious anti-semitic comments recently, they have not placed any one of my (well thought out, polite, and rational) comments in weeks.

I won't even go into what the comments on the web-site of a socialist party represented in the Dutch parliament said - save for one interesting comment quote "falastien bladna oel jahoed klabna". This quote is interesting for two reasons:
1. It reflects Dutch orthography - a fascinating subject; and
2. It is exactly what the howling murderous mobs screamed in Hevron and Yerushalayim in 1929.

When diplomats and statesmen say anything, it does not reflect the real sympathies of a country. It merely reflects a desire to look diplomatic and statesmanlike.

And, in the case of many European diplomats and statesmen, particularly the Dutch, a keen desire to be seen as playing well with others, in order that commerce with the United States, AND the Arab world, not be adversely affected.

I would stop drinking Heineken or Amstel in protest at what those Kaaskoppen are really saying about Israel and the US, but it would not mean much; I haven't drunk that bilge-water in years.

Nor have I purchased European olive oil or wine in years. But, given that I live in California, that too means naught.

Perhaps I should just go find a Renault and scratch the paint.Or burn a bar of Swiss Chocolate.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

The odd thing about many Dutchmen when they write is that they do not appear to realize quite how anti-Semitic some of their comments are.

Here's a very small selection from a bunch of Dutch socialists (right thinking people who wouldn't hurt a fly, but bleed everytime a little third-world child anywhere weeps).

"So many rich Jewish lobbies in the EU" (zoveel rijke joodse lobbies in de EU), "...their feeling of superiority" (hun superioriteitsgevoel), "...the Jewish bosses of Wallstreet, the gold and diamond trade - they are financing this war" (de joodse bazen van Walstreet, de goud en diamanthandel. Zij financieren deze oorlog), "...fortunately I am not a Jew" (Gelukkig ben ik geen Jood).

There were several other comments which equated Israel with the Nazis, called Jews criminals, and generally speaking accused "the Jews". Of any number of things. Including slanders taken from the Germans, and echoes of the 'protocols'.

In all fairness, there were also a few more nuanced and rational comments, but several other commenters were entirely incapable of analytic reading or depth.

What follows is purely for the 'benefit' of Dutch speakers.
[an English translation may show up in a few days, if I feel like it.]

Waar maken jullie onnozele betweters je nou weer druk over?

Zoals al jaren geleden gebleken is hebben alleen de anti-semieten in de Arabische wereld nut van jullie gezijk - daar in die regio trekken het merendeel van de regimes zich zowiezo geen klap van mensenrechten, internationale wet, en demokratie aan, maar jullie boeren maar door tegen de enige legitieme regering in die streek.

Zal wel vanwege het geld zijn - hoeveel handel bedrijven de Europeanen ook al weer met de oliestaten? Ik kan me absoluut niet voorstellen dat men in Europa de Arabische geld en oliekranen dicht zou draaien.

Dat alleen al geeft aan dat Europa oneerlijk wat betreft het middenoosten zal blijven.

Tevens is het te gek voor woorden dat vele Nederlanders constant zeveren over 'de Joodsche lobby' in Amerika. Het getuigt namelijk van een ontzettende onwetendheid - de oil lobby is zoveel machtiger dat het vrijwel onmogelijk is gebleken echte pro-Israel campagnes te voeren hier. Laat staan dat de VS haar grootste markt (Europa) zuur maakt - gijlui daar in Europa zijn te veel tweehanden op een buik met de Arabieren.

Het enige wat op te merken valt, wat die zogenaamde Joodsche lobby betreft, is natuurlijk dat wij meer Joden hebben - gijlui hebt uw Joden de gaskamers ingeslagen. Toch is het een overdrijving van jewelste om te beweren dat Joden alhier de dienst uitmaken. Niet eens drie percent van de bevolking is Joods. Maar drie kwart van de bevolking is wel degelijk van West-Europeesche afkomst, en hebben anti-semitisme en verkramptheid van hun voorouders ge-erfd.

Daarbij gerekend is zo'n tien percent van de bevolking in de verenigde Staten van Nederlandsche afkomst (schrijver dezes incluus), en het moet gezegd worden dat Nederland meer geld in de VS heeft belegd dan menig ander land. Gijlui profiteert mooi mee met ons, en uw bankiers en investeurs hebben hier enorme invloed. Men zou dus wel degelijk van een 'Dutch lobby' kunnen spreken. Stelletje huichelaars.

Gijlui zouden uzelve moeten schamen - edoch dat is voor uw slag volkomen onmogelijk.


Anonymous said...

indeed, saying that the jewish lobby controls the US borders on anti-semitism and is a bullshit statement.

The US supports Israel because it is an outpost of western-socalled-civilization. Because it enlarges the western sphere of influence, and because for some reason americans as well as europeans project their guilt for the holocaust on those who are performing a new one on the palestinians.

intifada mostamarra min falasteen la hollanda

muqawama al-sha'abi

The back of the hill said...

intifada mostamarra min falasteen la hollanda

muqawama al-sha'abi

If it is among the filistini in the Netherlands, then in no way can it be considered popular resistance.

But it should be rooted out; it is in no way indigenous to the Netherlands.

And by the way, that should be 'Ash-sha'abi". There is a sound change in 'al' when used in front of several other letters.

So, for example, at-tahrir, as-Sawd, ad-dawlat, az-zahara, ash-shaba.

Anonymous said...

no just uprising everywhere
also its nice to see you avoiding discussion
shows how full of shit you actually are

oh and thanks for the grammar lesson <_<
i plan on learning arab some day and i have only picked a few words
how about..
Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-iSlamiya

Anonymous said...

picked up*

fuckers should have an edit button

The back of the hill said...

Re: Edit button: see the little trashcan? You can always delete and re-enter.

Re: f-word: please keep it clean. It diminshes your eleoquence, such as it is, when you use foul language. Plus the use of foul language offends Arabs, who almost NEVER use it.

Re: Learning Arabic. I heartily recommend it. And can, if you so desire, recommend several books. Be aware that classical Arabic, Egyptian Arabic (spoken in Gaza) and Syrian Arabic (spoken in Shomron and the Golan) all differ. Iraqi Arabic and Maghrebi Arabic are different yet again. And Lebanese Arabic can be quite odd.

A good thick dictionary is well worth the investment. Choose one which not only shows the pronunciation in Latin scrip (in addition to huruf arabbiya) but also has demo sentences, and tells you what the root is.

Re: Haraqat el Muqawamma el Islammiya: these are the Arab equivalents of Crusaders and Bible-thumpers - a very dangerous breed who wish to exterminate the Jews and destroy the West (in that order). They are Islamo-fascisti par excellence, and have blood on their hands the stain of which will never rinse off. They make European anti-Semites look like a bunch of lily-livered pansies. They will be elliminated; their friends are already being jailed in droves in Saudi-Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan.

The very fact that you espouse their cause shows what a mind-poisoned little gobb-shite you are. Perhaps you should read more. Though I doubt your little revolutionary pea-brain could absorb anything new.

Oh, and by the way - Karl Marx had the pox, Lenin was a pervert, and Stalin was a psycho-path. Which probably explains why the Euro-left hero-worship all three of those degenerates. Losers.


Now, go back to sleep. Your gibbering from too much caffeine and 'revolutionary' fervor.

Anonymous said...

"Haraqat el Muqawamma el Islammiya: these are the Arab equivalents of Crusaders and Bible-thumpers - a very dangerous breed who wish to exterminate the Jews and destroy the West (in that order). They are Islamo-fascisti par excellence, and have blood on their hands the stain of which will never rinse off. They make European anti-Semites look like a bunch of lily-livered pansies. They will be elliminated; their friends are already being jailed in droves in Saudi-Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. "

I support the end-goal of the destruction of Israel AS A STATE (not its people) I have read parts of the Hamas charter and nowhere can i find something about the extermination of the jews, though there was some weird part about a jewish tree...
Anyway, Sala'ad-Din left both jews and christians unscathed, if hamas truly is as islamic as they claim they are they will do the same.

Also, at least they do something for the palestinian people (social programmes) and arent corrupt like fatah. In any case i prefer the PFLP but they're just a small faction nowadays and its not like they're that fantastic.

"Oh, and by the way - Karl Marx had the pox[1], Lenin was a pervert[2], and Stalin was a psycho-path[3]. Which probably explains why the Euro-left hero-worship all three of those degenerates. Losers."

[1] irrelevant
[2] define pervert, and i have no special love for lenin. Quite frankly he fucked up
[3] indeed he is

Almost NO europeans today even consider Stalin to be remotely a good guy. As for myself, i hate his guts. Not only was he psychopath but also a destroyer of hopes, dreams and the revolution, and even an anti-semite.

As for arabs not using foul language
do i come across like the kind of guy who gives a fuck!?
The class and moral system of the middle east has to be destroyed just as much as in the rest of the world.

La revolta continuá!

Anonymous said...

oh and i havent had coffee in weeks

The back of the hill said...

Dear Anonymous,

Regarding foul language and stated your desire to learn Arabic: Arabs will treat you in a civilized manner if you hold to their norms. As will many others.

Regarding Sala 'd-Din: A fascinating man, but not exactly the model for many Islamists. Nor is it particularly likely they will emulate him in any way.

Regarding the destruction of states: We saw that already during the Lebanese civil war, when the PLO wrecked Lebanon - mere years after they nearly destroyed Jordan.

And as far as that is concerned, you and I have to differ - I have no problem with a Palestinian state existing (though there already is one: Jordan), but I have no wish to see Israel cease to exist. And, should it ever come to that, I would wish the entire Middle-East laid waste before Israel is destroyed - from the pillars of Hercules to the wastes of Khorasan.

Regarding the class and moral system of the Middle-East needing to be destroyed: Why? Why would you want to dislocate people from the cultural and social webbing that keeps them stable and lets them make sense of the world? Some changes, yes, but a complete destruction?
Something like that was already tried by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia......

Regarding Stalin: See, you're not as big a fool as you pretend to be. Bravo!

Regarding not having had coffee for weeks: Perhaps that is the reason why you are so irrational. It must be hard kicking an addiction....

Has it ever struck you, btw, that the enlightenment and the industrial age were the direct result of caffeine being introduced to Europe? From drinking beer and wine to avoid water-borne pathogens to tea and coffee. No wonder the you-know-what hit the fan; no longer drunk by noon, but instead tweaked till mid-night. A profound change.

So, please stop swilling beer so early in the day. Have a nice cup of tea or coffee instead. You will feel better.

Anonymous said...

"Regarding foul language and stated your desire to learn Arabic: Arabs will treat you in a civilized manner if you hold to their norms. As will many others. "

True, but i see no reason to treat you with any civility, for all you do is spout nonsense.

"Regarding Sala 'd-Din: A fascinating man, but not exactly the model for many Islamists. Nor is it particularly likely they will emulate him in any way."

The man who destroyed the crusader state, was a pious (sunni, just as hamas) muslim, who united the arab world, who held to islamic ideas regarding to truces etc?
Why would they not emulate him?

"And as far as that is concerned, you and I have to differ - I have no problem with a Palestinian state existing (though there already is one: Jordan), but I have no wish to see Israel cease to exist. And, should it ever come to that, I would wish the entire Middle-East laid waste before Israel is destroyed - from the pillars of Hercules to the wastes of Khorasan. "

Again, your inner nazi shows itself.
Kind of like when germany was doomed but hitler fought on, to wreak as much havoc as possible on the world.

"Regarding the class and moral system of the Middle-East needing to be destroyed: Why? Why would you want to dislocate people from the cultural and social webbing that keeps them stable and lets them make sense of the world? Some changes, yes, but a complete destruction? "

Im not advocating immoralism or even amoralism, I am advocating the destruction of our rotten structures of our society, so that we, be it in figurative ruins or literal ones, may build a new, better society based on equality, respect, justice and grassroots democracy.
I am not advocating dislocating people, i am advocating those people rising up and freeing them from what binds them in slavery and oppression.
enough of the rhetoric ;)

"Something like that was already tried by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia...... "

so what i want is completely unlike that.

"Has it ever struck you, btw, that the enlightenment and the industrial age were the direct result of caffeine being introduced to Europe? From drinking beer and wine to avoid water-borne pathogens to tea and coffee. No wonder the you-know-what hit the fan; no longer drunk by noon, but instead tweaked till mid-night. A profound change."

The enlightenment was a direct result of arab translated ancient roman and greek as well as original arab scientific texts being introduced in europe.

as for beer, havent had that in serious amounts in weeks as well..tomorrow is a different story and i fear you might even have to miss my insight that day.

Revolución Social!

The back of the hill said...

"Regarding foul language.... but i see no reason to treat you with any civility, for all you do is spout nonsense.

Not for me, my dear demented radical, but for the other readers. Who knows, maybe one or two are on your side, and wincing at your filthy mouth. Stranger things have happened.

Regarding Sala 'd-Din: He wasn't a Wahabi, and it is known that he appreciated entertainment. At that time the Muslim world was more cosmopolitan than many of today's puritans would have it; Sala 'd-Din was a far more educated man than the Islamic radicals of today.

Regarding my inner Nazi: surely you mean my inner dolphin. I am a tree-hugging man of peace.

Regarding your rhetoric: Do please go on - I find clinical cases such as yourself quite fascinating.

Regarding translated Arabic: The translators were Jews, mostly Sephardim. Their descendants fled to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire, from whence they fled again in 1948.

Regarding beer: I hope you enjoy it. Duvel Moortgat, Kriek, Dommelsch, or (heaven forefend!) Heineken or Amstel?

I have a preference for Emperor Norton Lager myself, but occasionally drink Anchor Steam.

And, in opposition to your sign-off slogan, AM YISROEL CHAI.

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Regarding my inner Nazi: surely you mean my inner dolphin. I am a tree-hugging man of peace.


Have you ever seen a dolphin try to hug a tree?

Not pretty, man. Not pretty at all.

The back of the hill said...

Errrm, a mental picture of a dolphin balancing precariously while energetically rubbing up against a redwood....

Wasn't there a Gratefull Dead poster like that?

In anycase, it explains my predilection for raw herring, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Not for me, my dear demented radical, but for the other readers. Who knows, maybe one or two are on your side, and wincing at your filthy mouth. Stranger things have happened."


Anyway, it'd be kind of hard for Sala'ad-Din to be a Wahabi now wouldnt it, since wahhabism was founded somewhere in teh 1800's.

Also, as far as i know, Hamas isnt Wahhabi, though ofcourse Wahhabists might be in it because its not such an uncommon form of Islam.

Anyway, any idea why today's muslims are more radical?
Might it perhaps have anything to do with first Ottoman imperialism, and then especially the western imperialism which continues today?
And ofcourse with the creation of the "Zionist Entity".

"Regarding my inner Nazi: surely you mean my inner dolphin. I am a tree-hugging man of peace."

Ah so treehugging dolfins are in favor of ethnic cleansing?

Not my kind of treehuggers then, those dolphins.

"Regarding translated Arabic: The translators were Jews, mostly Sephardim. Their descendants fled to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire, from whence they fled again in 1948."

Your point being?
I dont care who got it to europe, the point remains that enlightenment was caused by Islamic (and yes islamic, because in fact they were encouraged by the prevalent interpretation of islam, and i even believe there is a quranic quote which encourages people to study the world around them) scientific studies.

"Regarding beer: I hope you enjoy it. Duvel Moortgat, Kriek, Dommelsch, or (heaven forefend!) Heineken or Amstel?"

Well Alfa (limburgish brand) is my favorite, but dommelsch is ok too. Heineken sucks, but not as much as bavaria.
Dont know what i had yesterday, some cheap german stuff which actually didnt taste that bad :)


which means?

Anyway i dont normally like R&B, but..
Ya hobbi falastin

palestine one night of many nights,everything was calm
palestine one night of many nights,israel dropped a bomb
palestine one night of many nights,wife dies in her husbands arms
palestine one night of many nights,and still this shit goes on
and whoever thought the jews who themselves been so abused
could do this to other people when they know hwat its like to lose
u talk about reconciliation we dont want it fuck discussions
cuz all your hearts are black and all your words are contradictions
satan crawled up in your mind and said that u ruled
but pain is in my heart and ima make u feel it too

watani anta habibi fika kol al tibi
shtakna nahno shtaknalak,anta agla labibi

when a small child look with his big eyes to the woman who gave him life
and he says to her mother
dont see me as a child with a stone in my hand see me as a man whos fighting for his land
dont see me as a man with a stone in my hand see me as a matyr who died for his land
mother know that this is the only way to be so she gives him a kiss and turnes a wa so he cant see
the tears that she cries the pain she feels inside
and the thought of losing a child is a thought that cant be denied

watani anta habibi fika kol al tibi
shtakna nahno shtaknalak,anta agla labibi

mohammed durra just a child died infront of the worlds eyes
still they ont know whats going on they think its all lies
but close your eyes and imagine that mohammed was your kid
dead with bullets in his body it aint easy now is it
theres blood on israels hands blood on palestines lands
hearts broken and lives taken freedom is what we demand
these are all our thoughts this is what we mena
bel roh bel damm nafdiki ya falastin

watani anta habibi fika kol al tibi
shtakna nahno shtaknalak,anta agla labibi

Min Erhabe?!

Anonymous said...

oh, 1700's not 1800's.

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