Monday, July 24, 2006


Fun, though not overwhelmingly attended.

Many of us who show up at these events recognize each other, and there were folks there I had not seen in a long time.

In a way these events are like old school week. You ask people how they have been since you last met, recognize someone you really must go say hello to, cock half an ear towards the speechifying..... some long electronic voice over rumble finishes, sounding exactly like one of those unintelligible airport announcements, and everybody claps like crazy (the news that flight nine three two from Newark or Milwaukee is delayed is cause for joy?).

Off to the side, behind barricades, the Green Party opportunistically counter-demoed.
Todd Chrétien seems to believe that pishing on someone else's parade is good for his political campaign. Please remember to vote against him, and urge others to also vote against him.

Off to another side, about twenty angry Filistini screamed some very strange stuff.
Did you know that eighty-two percent of our government is Israeli? Neither did I.

A very zonked female in hippy garb, with a hysterically fake Jamaican accent, sort of wafted and dilly-danced through the crowd, singing something about either all da bruddas peace, ya mon, or the after-effects of ganja - I'm not sure which.

I had several conversations with friends - 'the dialectic between faith and reason', 'likutei amarim', some passages in Nezikin, Jacob Neussner, bullhorn, nice sign, the heat the heat the heat.
At one point, a friend who had wandered off towards the palms took offense at what one of the Palestinian protestors said and ran screaming back toward the barricade red in the face to furiously yell at them - I never saw tzitzit fly like that before.

By and large a good time was had by all - including the eloquent young rabble-rouser who always seems to lead the Filistini side, who during the 'post-barricade-removal-wind-down-and-schmooze-fest period of the day ended up in a long conversation with a Chabad rabbi.

What I cannot quite understand is that less than two thousand or so people showed up.

There are half a million Jews in the Bay Area - most undoubtedly support Israel - where were they?

What about all those fundy Christians who are alleged to support Israel - where were they?

So many groups sponsored the rally, but where were they?

If I can get my lazy tuchus, hangover and all, washed - dressed - and down to Justin Herman plaza, then so can everybody else - snotthathardverdomme.

So, what did Senator Feinstein say? I have no idea....

The Chronicle, in their article about the event in today's paper, gave as much print space to Todd Chrétien's Quisling pro-Hezbollah bafflegab as to what Dianne Feinstein said, and topped it off by quoting the Palestinian counterprotestors in detail.

The SF Chronicle, it should be noted, is famous for the inaccuracy of its weather reports, and for having all the best syndicated cartoons on its comics page.


Anonymous said...

It's ashame that for all the education and knowledge the pro Israel supporters have, They just can't find chants that the whole group can site together. 20 anti protesters have chants that seem to work. Let's figure out some of our own that would sound good.

Anonymous said...

with a good cause come good chants

there's your problem right there.

Anonymous said...

Are up up for another?
Trouble is, I can't make it, and I usually supply signs and flags.
The theme of this: Lets punish our senator for supporting Israel

From the bad guys:
Press Conference at 4:30
Rally and Protest at 5 PM
Thursday, July 27
Senator Feinstein’s Office
1 Post (at Montgomery and Market streets -Montgomery BART)


Press Conference at 4:30
Rally and Protest at 5 PM
Thursday, July 27
Senator Feinstein’s Office
1 Post (at Montgomery and Market streets -Montgomery BART)
San Francisco, CA

Senator Dianne Feinstein fully supports Israeli war crimes and terrorism against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. Feinstein speaking at rally on Sunday vowed to continue her support for Israel’s widespread violations of international and humanitarian law that are causing hundreds of civilian deaths and destroying critical civilian infrastructures. With Feinstein’s support, the U.S. Congress approved a resolution giving Israel its full support just days after the U.S. government used its power to veto a UN resolution critical of Israel.
The Israeli military is collectively punishing the Lebanese and Palestinian populations by killing hundreds of civilians and destroying critical civilian infrastructures. There have been over 400 Lebanese civilians killed by Israeli military over the last 2 weeks including many children. There have been verified reports of the use of phosphorus bombs on civilians fleeing the Israeli siege in Lebanon. Gaza is with out adequate food and water and not only faces daily incursions by the Israeli occupation forces but has also been put under an economic embargo for months that targets the most vulnerable in Gaza.
On Thursday we will mobize to demand that Feinstein and the US government support human rights and justice instead of their perpetuation of racism and violence. We demand that the US immediately pressures Israel to stop its aggression on Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. We demand the US government end the use of our tax dollars for enabling on-going Israeli oppression of Palestinians and attacks on the people of Lebanon. Please join us for a Press Conference and Protest at Senator Feinstein’s office building this Thursday.

charismatic megafauna said...

Unfortunately many, many Bay Area Jews are apathetic/lazy or anti-Israel. Remember, San Francisco has ridiculous amounts of anti-Israel sentiment from all accross the board. We're talking about a city with middle schools that officially celebrate on the anniversary of the intifada. It's not so easy being an outspoken Zionist. My hope is that when quietly pro-Israel and/or Zionist people drive by our demonstrations, they realize that it's ok and in fact important to express these opinions publicly.

WBS said...

I was there too (in the blistering heat)maybe we passed each other. Do you know the name of that Arab lady that spoke? I can't find a list of the speakers.

The back of the hill said...

Do you know the name of that Arab lady that spoke?

I think it was probably Noni Darwish. But I don't actually know for certain.

She's the first speaker mentioned on this website:


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