While I was eating I listened to the animated talk from several tables away. The retired busdriver, who six years ago had spoken at length praisefully about the Gung Chaan Tong (Communist Party) did not mention them even once in his lengthy loud discourse, though he did reference Dak Long Pou (Tong Naap Dak) and the Gung Wo Tong (Republican Party). The word Mei Gwok came up several times. That went on, back and forth, for a good twenty minutes. The guy resembling an elongated frog finally got the conversation onto cigarettes (yin jai) which were a potent source of government revenue as well as unhealthy and give you bad breath. He too was repetitive and long-winded. And loud.
All seven of them were long and loud.
I knew that this was going to happen. That's why I sat several tables away.
Also, I had no wish whatsoever to be dragged into the conversation.
Trust me, I know nothing about any of that. Not a thing.
I'm just an innocent little white guy.
Eating chicken curry.
Say, this is quite good!
While smoking a pipe afterwards I marvelled over several non-Chinese goobers passing by, as well as a little missy devouring an ice cream bar. In this horrid weather. The idiot hippie wearing shorts and a colourful tropical shirt was explicable -- probably too stoned and crazy to feel anything -- but the young lady eating a frozen dessert made no sense at all. Ma'am, it's cold. Damned well arctic. So frigid frigid frigid. What the heck is wrong with you?
Does your mother know you're doing that?
Oh, she's right next to you.
Never mind.
Sometimes what Chinese people consider a mid afternoon snack that won't spoil your appetite for dinner is baffling. I suppose if
you eat it standing up in freezing wind it doesn't count. Good thing my questions were strictly an internal query, not actually voiced.
Girls snarfing cream ice pandas do NOT need to hear me doubting their sanity.
I had multiple layers on under my coat and I was freezing.
It was so cold, so horribly cold.
Snow weasels.
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