A bit of a damper on the Saint Patrick's Day drunken orgy has been the ghastly weather locally. Not that you would have noticed by the puking green-garbed yutzes down the street. Because drowning your seasonal depression in alcohol is a cherished American custom.
The bigger the damper, the more the booze.
I am eternally grateful that there is no Dutch American holiday marked by excess and stupid costumes. Not even clog dancing festivals, because clog dancing is widely acknowledged as an uniquely Scotch and Irish phenomenon, as well as staggeringly popular in this country's alcoholic hinterland communities, which rarely if ever include sober Dutchmen.
When this sober Dutchman was walking home from the bus last night, he had to wade through masses of young drunks clad in emerald vestments.
It did not incline me favourably towards American Jugend of any age, my fellow Americans in general, or the weird-ass gods they worship.
Naturally I spent the rest of the evening in a sour mood.
It strikes me that precisely like Russia, the English should take back terrain in a territory that has historically always been part of their sphere of influence, where much of their culture and history still has great import, and their language dominates. As well as their cuisine.
Also, I've heard that there are Nazis there.
As well as important minerals.
And precious seaweed.
A hotbed of mildew.
Everyone loved mildew. It's the foundation of Western Civilization. Precious, precious mildew. If America can insist that Canada, Greenland, and Panama join the U. S., then England can demand Hibernia do the same. They will happy, and everyone can be rich. They've been bigly taking advantage of England too long. Ripping them off.
Strategically, they need mildew.
It's so unfair! Tarriffs!
Erin covfefe!
Bigly, bigly, bigly, bigly!
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