It is deeply disappointing that the antique maroons in the back room are still one hundred percent convinced that the orange dingo is the best president ever. Also, that he's human. They truly are special. As well as out of touch with reality.
What's amazing is that the same tired old bastard who can snarl "you youngsters don't know how good you have it!" can also fondly remember that his first apartment only cost half a week's salary and that he used to eat steak five times a week.
Meanwhile, out in the rest of the country, people are losing jobs, their medical care, their houses, and big rigs are flipping over in Texas sandstorms, while the economy is tanking, the price of eggs is going sky-high (apparently that's the fault of those damned liberals), foreign countries no longer take us seriously, worthwile research is coming to a standstill, and the French are demanding that we return the Statue Of Liberty.
Also, according to the bozos, there are far too many non-waspy people.
Somebody ought to do something!
So after a few days of hearing all their angry fascist gibbering , I am glad to be off work. I'm wondering where in Chinatown I shall eat tomorrow. Somewhere that I don't have to listen to vituperative whining from some venomous old white geezer or entitle male Karen who is wearing his incontinence diaper over the wrong end.
Also, I have been told, golf is a serious sport. All the best people play golf.
That isn't my experience and nor my observation, but okay.
Instead of torching Teslas, perhaps we should pick other targets. Or target something else in addition to Teslas. Teslas are just one worthwhile thing. But they're a finite resource.
There's more to life than Teslas. Or burned out hulks of Teslas.
I am practical, and have helpful suggestions.
Golf courses and country clubs.
For instance.
There is very much that can be set fire to, in fact. So that's a plus.
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