Tuesday, August 27, 2024


My arm still hurts from the RSV vaccine a week ago. Which is odd, because for the first twelve hours I didn't feel a darned thing. Then it proceded to wreck an entire night, day, and night. But by the time I get my flu shot and yet another covid booster I should be fine. Wow, that's THREE nanochips, if an acquainance from a certain faith community (the batshit paranoid crazies) can be believed. THREE!
Five G and everything.

I'm not quite sure if that means they can see me or I can see them.
He has not ellucidated, and I haven't asked.
Did I mention batshit crazy?
Him. And his.

He is in several ways so goofy I fear his chocolate has all melted.
The landing lights along his runway have burned out.
The fog is thick along his off ramp.

Manuka honey, wheat grass, and apple cider vinegar.
Plus space aliens. Ancient space aliens.
Taught human beings religion.
And pyramids.
Because I am an easy-going man and do not like to argue with elderly crazy people, I have patiently listened to him expound wondrously about scientific matters, ancient aliens, vaccine nano-chips, miraculous medical knowledge of tribals who according to Wikipedia have very low life-expectancies, orders of druids, and the deep state which is delaying the second coming of something connected to all of the above and keeping mankind ignorant.
He's done his own research. And he knows the truth. He knows!
His off ramp seems to stop short of the ground.
Besides being always foggy.

All in all I am happy I haven't seen him in months.
Dealing with enlightened people drains one.
Even under ideal conditions.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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