Monday, August 26, 2024


It strikes me that one of the main reasons that I do not associate much with cigar smokers is that far too many of them are mildly bigoted snobs. That bunch of old fossils I babysit during my workweek being exceptions; most of them are extraordinarily bigoted classist garbage. Better than thou because of age, mental rigidity, and lots of money. They've insulated themselves from their fellow humans.

One good example is the retired member of the judicial branch who underneath a veneer of liberal humanist culture and literacy is a sour old conservative intellectual hack who prefers not to even speak to people below him. Another is a man of bohemian appearance making more than is good for him with purist nature points of view who loves talking to people with money and some similar tastes and sneers at everybody else. He's superficially aware of other things, but feels that they are of much less worth than everything he represents.

Shan't even mention the ex-cop racist bordline nazi.
Wrong border. It's the other side.

There are fine people in Marin, but far less than appearances suggest.
The level of sewage is absolutely staggering.
Pervasive rot.
The amount of vomitous opinionation I hear during my working hours about limited edition cigars, rare Scotch, sports teams, what's wrong with the common man, and how Trump and his con-conspirators will save civilization when the rotten evil libtards and that black witch are finally defeated, is absolutely unbelievable. They are firm believers in that last, by the way, they've drunk the Koolaid. Like liquour and nerve pills, they swallow it by the bucket.
It's so reassuring, so social pretenses affirming. So nice warm blankyish.
They are all mental Red-Staters and emotionally crippled.
It was probably their parents.

I have reason to believe that almost none of them read beyond a fourth grade level, and the old git who swans in after lunch never finishes any of the books he flaunts.

His mind is already full.

Often the only decent man there is a member of the medical profession just quietly trying to get things done, and mind his own business. Not suprisingly, he too has lost his cool once or twice when the others spout drivel. Yet he is, fundamentally, more tolerant of them and their blithering, than I am. I am not a nice man.

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One of the rightwing hose bags whom I see regularly, because I work in Marin, and attend to poisonous senile old gila monsters, is disturbed...