Monday, August 05, 2024


The Engish love foreigners. Especially those who stay in the kitchen and cook food that's better than English food. They want them there 24 hours, seven days a week. If they are obsequious and humble, so much the better. Foreigners also make great food servers, gardeners, and chimney sweeps.

That explains the righ wing yobbos rioting on the streets of Belfast, Bristol, Hull, Liverpool, Manchester, Plymouth Rotherham, Southport, Tamworth, as well as several other places where British people live. Many foreigners were not obsequious enough.
And some of them can't cook.

That last item is particularly grievous; the bar is set low.
They love McDonalds, for crap sakes!

Earlier many English people had rioted for several months against the Jews.
Notably in Blackburn, Brighton, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds and London.
The issue there is very much the same. Food and obsequity.

What probably made things get out of hand most recently was that Spain (quintessential foreigners) soundly trounced them in the Euro Cup this year held in a place with far better beer (Germany) where any drunken rioting by British fans was efficiently discouraged.
It's not easy being holy. Something had to give.

Intellectually, I like England. But in very real terms, I don't think I or anyone else should ever visit the place again. There's far too much xenophobia, rudeness, loudness, and violence.
Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, and multiple repulsive others.

For Americans it's particularly out of the question. They've never forgiven us for saving their hash, twice, and not worshipping them. And we talk funny. Which offends them immensely.

It's become a more frightful place than it ever was before, which is hard to imagine.
Also, their food is often rather unsettling. To say the least.
Sometimes a crime against humanity.

English people have recently torched a number of hostels for asylum seekers and ransacked shops run by foreigners, as well as screamed vitriol outside mosques. In addition to trashing a number of their own city centres. Hardly cricket, boys.

And did I already mention their horrid food?

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