Monday, October 09, 2023


As you understand, while Facebook helps us stay connected with far-flung friends, it has limitations. It will not allow one to wish eternal damnation on protestors in London or homicidal psychopaths in parts of the Arab world, or Pakistan, or Malaysia. Or, in fact, on Montgomery Street in San Francisco yesterday. May all of them get visited by the angel of ass-cancer.

Berkeley and Oakland too. Abundantly and painfully visited. That's where a lot of the terror sympathizers in the Bay Area are from. The only thing that keeps me from really mouthing off is a Palestinian American woman in Nevada who is one of the best people I know, and has never said an unkind or homicidal word. Because I do not want to hurt her, I'm keeping an extremely low profile on Facebook.

And not cheering every bomb on Gaza, as I feel like doing.
All of Hamas deserves to get ass-cancer.
So does Hezbollah.

After dumplings for lunch I went down to Montgomery Street and passed by the consulate. It was peaceful there, though a car with a large terrorist flag over the top did drive by.

It was good to a break from scrolling doom on the internet.
The pipe in the picture above belonged to a man despised by many of his kin. After he died, none of them wanted it in their house.

It's not a shape I favour, but it's fun to hold, and it was fun to draw.

It's currently haze-drizzling in San Francisco.

The streets are quiet.

My apartment mate is browsing e-bay on her computer opposite me while softly singing the Swedish chef's song from the muppet show. Okay.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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