Sunday, October 08, 2023


The rational response to the actions of Hamas are to speak in even tones about avoiding civilian fatalities as much as possible, adhering to reasonable standards of conduct in responding against the terrorists, and how Israel has always been ready to make peace, and does more than any other country's forces to safeguard lives on both sides.

Cite specific examples, highlight the complete opposite of such behaviour by the other side. Controll what you say, because we are the sane, rational, and humanist side.

Which. I. Don't. Feel. Like. Being. Right. Now.

Years from now we'll still remember that in London, Paris, Rotterdam, and even Oakland, people celebrated what Hamas did. We'll still remember that two Israeli tourists and a guide were shot dead in Egypt by a policeman.
We'll remember that Malaysian Muslims pledged to fully support jihad against Israel.
We'll also remember Pakistani celebrations of this horrid attack.

In any case, I had no plans to ever visit Egypt. It's nasty hellhole filled with thoroughly odious people. Should probably be bombed out of existence sometime. The same goes for Pakistan.
And I shan't say what I really think on Facebook, because Zuckerberg's Indian censorship officers get upset if I do. Sensitivities must be protected at all costs.

We need to seriously change our visa programme.

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