Monday, December 18, 2017


Further to yesterday evening's description of dinner and what I did afterwards, I can inform you that I did not food-poison myself.
But I think I will throw out that preserved meat, it's too old.
Nor sure about the dried oysters. They were "fishy".
Tonight's repast was in the same category.
Experimental scroungery.

I was inspired by "Baked Portuguese Chicken Rice" (焗葡國雞飯 'guk pou gwok gai faan'), which isn't a Portuguese dish but from Hong Kong though inspired by Macao, and which the English would probably prefer with a side of baked beans -- everything the British eat is better with Heinz Baked Beans -- though both sides agree on the strong silky milk tea (港式奶茶 'gong sik naai cha'), which might upset the Macanese as well as the Portugalians.


Bacon (煙肉 'yin yiuk'), cooked with a little miscellaneous vegetable for crunch, yellow curry paste (黃咖喱醬 'wong gaa lei jeung') added. Then layered on top of precooked shrimp roe wheat noodles (蝦子麵 'haa ji min') with beaten egg gently fried in, as well as scallion. Chili sauce for moisture. Some grated cheese sprinkled on top, the whole under the broiler briefly. Resulting in what might be called "Bacon and Egg Noodles" (咖喱煙肉雞蛋麵 'gaa lei yin yiuk gai daan min'), or 焗葡國煙肉蝦子麵 ('guk pou gwok yin yiuk haa ji min').

Some freshly ground pepper, more hot sauce.

Strong coffee to follow.

No beans.

I think I'll go outside now and listen to loud screaming while smoking my pipe, to cap off the day. Perhaps a bowl of ice cream later.

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