Thursday, December 14, 2017


It's probably just me. That would be the logical conclusion. The fact that there are several Asians whose behaviour towards me proves that my presence "shoots them into the wrong throat hole". Two Viets, a few Filipinos, and several others.
Three of these people now maintain a distance -- one of them, a Filipino, is the rudest he can be without actually uttering imprecations -- whereas four months ago they still acted like I was a human being. Clearly a pretense.
No, none of them have actually said anything.
They're blandly noncommittal dicks.
Which is very Asian.

No frank explanation will ever be forthcoming.

[Oh yeah, that glib smiling...
That really fools whitey.
So smooth, so bland.

This has also happened in the past, and there are a number of people in SF with whom I now longer willingly associate.

It's mostly an Asian male thing, but there are also Asian women who act that way. What they all have in common is that we can't talk Cantonese to each other. Largely in consequence very many English-as-primary-language-Asian-Americans are suspect in my book, and I am wary about spending too much time around these folks.

They talk "white", they grew up here, and they have a pissy middle-class attitude, coupled with a resentment of sorts for all Caucasians.
In a way they mirror my attitude towards them.

You can see that with all that in mind, very likely it's just me.
I am not a likable person, and often hard to talk to.
Plus I'll admit to being a bit of a dick.

Never-the-less. Screw them. And the rusty boat they came in on.
Supercilious, snooty, superficial, and superior.
I believe the Flip term is 'bastos'.


PS. If you are a typical angry Asian American, and do not understand the sentence above, please have a Cantonese speaker translate it for your dumb ass, and explain it. Mandarin speakers and Google don't work.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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