Wednesday, November 13, 2013


If you walk along Davis Street between Washington and Clay, you will enjoy listening to the wild parrots racketing in Sue Bierman Park, without having to confront the benched loonies at all. And you can admire the Gingko leaves on the trees along the road, turning velvet-golden in the mild fall weather we have been having.
Just after tea-time is best.
It is delicious.

And, speaking of delicious, I visited over a dozen shops ere I finally found it at the Great China Herb Company.

大豐和 (taai fung wo)
地址: 857 Washington Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
電話: (415) 982-2195
傳真: (415) 982-5138

I had seen someone using it when I was having dinner a few days ago, so while smoking a pipe after lunch the other day I went looking for it.
Harder to find than you might think.
I had several good conversations going before I got to Great China Herb. Many people had heard of it, or believed it to be a specialty of Taiwan.
Which it is, but the Hong Kong product is better.

龍眼花蜜 (long ngaan faa mat)
Lungan flower honey.

Produced by the Po Sang Yuen Bee Farm (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Dimocarpus longan (龍眼) grows in the tropics, and is related to both the lychee and the langsat. We do not have them in the United States, but fresh lychees from Florida are available at times in Chinatown.
Lychee, longan, and langsat are all delicious.
I strongly suspect the honey is too.

Hong Kong Po Sang Yuen Bee Farm (香港寶生園養蜂場) is located in Fan Ling (粉嶺), New Territories (新界), near the China border.
The company was founded in 1935 by mr. Leung Yuen Cham.
Presently the third generation operates the enterprise.

I myself am scarcely an aficionado of sticky apid bottom exudates, but my apartment mate uses honey in lieu of sugar. Still, I am keenly curious, and will try some once she opens the jar.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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