Tuesday, October 15, 2013


A friend who signs himself "Hero Kitty" forwarded a video clip which is somewhat disturbing. And honestly, I do not know what to make of it.
Given that it combines elements which sanity normally separates.
Several elements.

My mother, as you perhaps know, served during both WWII and the Korean War. One photo in my bookshelf shows her as a young woman in her uniform. Small, trim, and intelligently resolute. Not fierce, but extremely composed. Despite barely being in her early twenties, she was already mature and aware of the complexity of a world which had gone entirely off the deep end.

She was, if you will, a perfect representative of her social class, that being the families whose men served as United States military officers in the old army. Getting women involved in war was a new concept at the time, nevertheless a huge number joined up. Many of her friends and colleagues in the Waves initially came from similar backgrounds.

It's a black and white photo. The uniform is a dark colour.
It was, I happen to know, a severe Navy blue.

That service was a significant influence. It played in the background throughout the rest of her life.

One suspects that a similar military experience will be a dominant factor in the lives of the young ladies in the video below.
One might quail at the prospect.


[Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO1DxO9BhSw.]

If I had to guess, I would venture that their uniforms were designed by a man. Very likely one with a foetid Hello Kitty fetish. However, they seem quite ferocious despite their zesty pink and white stewardess get-ups, and perhaps they slaughtered the cretin who stuck them in martial nursey-wursey rags on the gun range one day, when testing out the cute little heavy duty machine guns.
One can only hope.

The scenes above look like something out of a fevered teenage manga fan boy's unclean fantasies. Those pink skirts are just a wee bit too short for gravitas. Following that up with kicky Prussian go-go boots was a capstone of insanity that drives it over the edge into howling dementia.

It's epic. It's foaming. It's terrifying.

Hello Kitty Stewardess uniforms.
With snappy belts and holsters.
And totally darling white caps.

You will hear their tromp tromp tromp in your dreams.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

found a new blog here

The back of the hill said...

Dogs, snails, and Batman.

By contrast, I am relatively... sane.

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