Tuesday, November 27, 2012


She reached the intersection before me. Jones and Washington Street, where the cable car stops. While waiting for the trolley she crouched to read the front page of the Chronicle in the box.
And she looked cute as the dickens. Immensely so at that moment. No, not because she was hunkered down, though that did add to the effect. Neat hair, intelligent expressive face, small frame, dark clothing, and a shocking pink backpack.
As a functional style accessory the large pink item was very nice.
This badger does not usually like pink very much.
But dang. Hot diggety.

9:00 A.M.

I walked past, and filled a pipe under one of the nearby trees. She got on the cable car, and our eyes met briefly. So while I thoroughly enjoyed the Red Virginia Flake in the black bent briar, that wasn't what had me staring off into space for nearly half an hour on that intersection.
Reveries, plus a view of the Bay Bridge, distant in the haze.
Top of Nob Hill. The quiet side.

I hope I see her again.

On a whim I got on a cablecar there and rode down to Chinatown. Wandered around a bit - noticed that the new Little Paris (小巴黎咖啡室) is almost ready to open up. Opposite 聯興超級市場, right next to 廣東市場. I'm looking forward to having a 热咖啡奶 and bánh mì thịt nướng there.
Please imagine, Stockton Street in early morning. No tourists, they haven't woken up yet. Or in any case they're still lost outside their hotels, wondering where the souvenir stores can be found. Gee, look at all the tall buildings!
A few delivery trucks, a passel of kids from the nearby elementary schools, and just regular folks going about their business.
Request a lovely glass of dense Vietnamese drip-coffee, and a grilled meat sandwich in a flaky baguette, warmed up, and moist from the dash of tamarind carrots.
Sploodge of hot sauce.
Enjoy life.

There's a spanking new noodle soup and wonton place on Pacific Street, by the way. Looks like it would be fun. When I walked by, two middle-aged ladies were seated inside, examining the menu with keen interest. Unmistakable hunger at ten in the morning.
It's right next to the New Hollywood Coffee Shop. Which was bustling - great flaky meat pastries. Related to the 新檀島咖啡餅店 on Stockton.

Chinatown seems so much cleaner and brighter in the morning, without all those pesky tourists. More cheerful, too.

Savage Kitten is staying home today, she's not feeling well, and is down in the dumps besides, due to a staggering bit of meanness from her mom. Even in a vegetative state, that poisonous old Toishanese woman still manages to traumatize her kids.
Truly, some Cantonese women should never have daughters.
And girls are probably better off not being Chinese.
No details, but even I am shocked.

Really, is Toishan filled with venomous old sows like Savage Kitten's mom?

Savage Kitten is my apartment mate, in case you didn't know. There's nothing going on between us, but she's a good friend whom I've known for a long time.
And while I do not know her mother, I've met enough poisonous elderly females of the country district persuasion to recognize both the type, and the damage they do.

10:00 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.

On a whim I bought some dimsum and lomaikai for my apartment mate.
She's a good woman, and needs to be comforted.
Food might just do the trick.

Caught the cablecar on Powell between Washington and Jackson, rode it up to Leavenworth. No, not so much a whim, as hopefilled middle-aged man planning.
If the young lady whom I spotted earlier at Jones had simply gone down hill for some breakfast snackipoos, she might have returned home already. And she probably lives between Jones and Leavenworth on Jackson, or maybe near Jones and Pacific.
Probably not going to see her wandering along, but......
It's a possibility, and on the off chance.......
I did say she was cute, did I not?
As the dickens.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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