Saturday, November 17, 2012


The ugly adventure that is Hayward continues.  At least for a few more days.  For readers who are new to this blog, the background data is that the company for which I work moved from San Francisco to the armpit of the universe two months ago, which is a two hour commute by public transit away from civilization.  Currently it is changing hands.
Which means that this time next week I should be wondering how I shall gainfully spend my time.

The transfer was supposed to be done by now.
I have been there for over a decade.
All good things come to an end.
Then there are beginnings.
Change can be good.

The past two years have been exhilaratingly nightmarish.

The beast ain't dead yet, but I am looking forward to not spending four hours a day on public transit, and then ten hours at the office.
Why did I do it? Why did I stay so long?
Probably because I'm a little crazy.
Something you didn't notice.

I like discovering new things. Life lived by routine becomes a rut.
In that vein, I try different foods, read books I have never explored before, and talk to new people.
One of the things I also like doing is studying foreign-language dictionaries.
That used to be good for falling asleep, now it thrills me endlessly.
Folks with interesting minds also considerably please me.
Often they themselves do not realize that.
To them, they're quite normal.
To me, fascinating.

Hayward will continue for a few more days. This, too, should be stimulating.
It's been one heck of a ride over the cliff; high-speed roller-coaster.
My coworkers have shown their finest sides during the trip.
As well as surprising quirks and wit.
Good people.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-k said...

Wait, they moved you to Hayward to fire you? That's a bit like the executioners making you dig your own grave, eh?

The back of the hill said...

Well, the company is being gutted. Most of us are getting the axe.

First vacation in several years, and oh boy am I looking forward to it!

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