Thursday, November 29, 2012


I am a sexual man. But other than that I like breasts in moderation, small cotton panties, and personalities with warmth and depth, that is all you need to know.

When I say that I am a sexual man, that also means that I am interested in the sexualities of other people, especially as it is demonstrated by their behaviour.
Not the extroverted exhibitionism of some homosexual men and many twenty-somethings, but the subtle signs that people do not realize that they send.

One couple I know are adept at the unaware advertisement: she will squeeze his hand, then look at him with barely disguised hunger, and obvious patience....... that last probably necessitated by her reluctance to jump him in public.
He reacts with an expression that says a lovely idea just popped into his head.

They're fun to watch. They just don't know it.

It is unlikely that they realize what they do.

Overt displays of affection are far less interesting that the perpetrators realize, it's the unconscious things that stand out. If they really wanted to share with the rest of us, they'd invite an audience in. We might have higher entertainment standards than they could meet, however.
If you're going to turn your sexual activity into performance art, we expect more than German avant-garde theatre. Please, no angst, no nihilism, no high wire acts.
Okay, you can keep the high wire acts.
You are insured, aren't you?

It's not the sexual appeal of the people that counts, but the evidence that they have a well-adjusted sexual side and a romantic life with their partner. Affectionate glances, downward looks, blushing at odd moments, little hints of frustration and impatience, mutual-orbiting behaviours, sharing, and such.
Happy couples, of whichever gender and age, do things around each other that speak of an intense private life.

Unhappy couples also do that, but they're far less interesting.

And single people are amusing only when they're in lust.

Actually, I don't know whether singles are entertaining, or if it's just the fascination of watching a slow motion train wreck. Desperate glances, mumbled body language, nerves, and awkward twitching, jumbled together at high speed.
I'd have to ask my friends what they think.
But that would be admitting something.

And I already said that there is no need to know.

I am a calm man. I do not exhibit.

Farklempt. But calm.

Now, show me again why you like each other.

Your eyes say it all.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Unknown said...

aire bra
Its very important that what is wear for comfortable such that the undergarments so underwear and any simple bra which is wear......
aire bra

Felix Lee said...

I enjoyed reading your post. You're right about the unconscious things couples do, it's very interesting to watch. It's the little things that count. Single people, like you mentioned, are fun to watch as well. It's all very amusing.

The back of the hill said...

Please note: the Aire Bra comment is spam, pure and simple. I allowed it through because I appreciate the sheer absurdity of a contribution about brassieres following a post which one of my readers has described as "creepy".

Sorry, K, but people watching is not particularly creepy. Acting on it is. If I pursued them with a giant butterfly net, that would be creepy. Taking long-distance telephoto shots of them and tagging them behind the ear, uber creepy. Just observing them and the evidence they present that they are full of life? Normal. Intense normalcy.

People are fascinating. Not only in the abstract.

Bras are fascinating too. At present time, purely in the abstract.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is funny, you have such a nice brain. But I must point out while being creepy only violated my provincial sensibilities (albeit in this case barely (ha happy accident)) the other is outside the realms of rational behavior. I think that you have been desensitized by the social norms of a city that actually considers letting it’s citizens appear nude in public.

The Coot said...

It's only voyeurism if nudity is involved. Without that, it is "people watching". Or social anthropology.

That said, watching couples is infinitely better than watching young male teenagers. That, I'm afraid, is rather ghastly. They haven't gotten over their hormonal imbalance yet.

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