Thursday, October 01, 2009


File this under 'unfavourable reviews', even though I have not read the book.
Nor do I have any intention of doing so.
Life is too short.
I am not a masochist.

"Palin, in collaboration with author Lynn Vincent, completed her 400-page book just four months ... "


From Wikipedia:
"Lynn Vincent is features editor at World Magazine where she covers news, politics and current events. Vincent is a U.S. Navy veteran. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband Danny and their two children.

Vincent is the co-author of a number of books, including Going Rogue with Sarah Palin and Donkey Cons along with Robert Stacy McCain. Her third book, Same Kind of Different as Me was released in June 2006 by W Publishing."

From Wikipedia:
"WORLD Magazine is a biweekly Christian news magazine, published in the United States of America, and based in Asheville, North Carolina. WORLD differs from most other news magazines in that its declared perspective is one of conservative evangelical Protestantism. Its mission statement is "To report, interpret, and illustrate the news in a timely, accurate, enjoyable, and arresting fashion from a perspective committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God." "

Oh cheeses!


Tzipporah said...

Food post for sukkot over at my place. yum.

The back of the hill said...

Looks SOMEONE needs to be pressured to divulge some serious recipes!

In particular:
-Pesto pasta (made with basil and cherry tomatoes from our garden).
-Calabeza en tacha (Pumpkin in brown sugar) with rice pudding or ice cream.
- Stuffed mushrooms (with leeks and sage from our garden, garlic, wild mushrooms, breadcrumbs).
-Duck with honey and lavender.
-Pareve applesauce cake with caramelized pears.
-Dates stuffed with cream cheese, sugar, cinnamon mixture.
-Baked brie (with more homemade pesto tucked inside) and baguette rounds.

That's a total of seven. Please submit AT LEAST three of them.

The back of the hill said...

My dear Anonymous!

Ich komme aus Amerika! Und ihre kommentär iz SPAM im gonzen!
Ober es hat charme!

And, because I like spam with charm, and none of your links go to smut sites - besides which, some of my readers might want to visit Kohiong (Kao-Hsiung), Sun-Moon Lake, and Taai-Lam (Tai Nan), in addition to the lovely scenery around Ah-Lei-Sua (Alishan) - I shall allow the spam this one time.

Good luck and hatzlocho in your various commercial ventures.

Freindliche grisn.

The back of the hill said...

By the way, Tzipporah, it is not at all unlikely that our Taiwanese! visitor! would also like recipes.

Many Chinese are inveterate foodies. As well as 'adventurous' diners.

There are, in fact, Chinese who use the camera function of their cell-phones to photograph everything they eat.... which then goes on their blogs....
Think of it as home-made food-porn.

Spiros said...


The back of the hill said...

..the inerrant Word ...

in·er·rant [ in érrənt ]


1. incapable of mistakes: incapable of making a mistake (formal)

2. correct: containing no mistakes


You misspelled 'inerrant'.
I find the capitalization of the double you in 'word' more problematic. Ideologically repulsive, in fact.

Spiros said...

It is a word (lower case w) which one doesn't much come across, kind of like "indite" (meaning, to write). It is quaint.

The back of the hill said...

Quaint - lovely descriptus of the more religiously rigid.

They do indeed hearken back to another time.

They are also picturesque.

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