Wednesday, May 06, 2009


The British government has picked a fight with an old hippie. The man in question, an associate of Timothy Leary and beat-poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, has been banned from entry.

[Note: Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti are famous - though why that is so is baffling. Their poetry is jejune and trite, and they are very overrated. But San Francisco styles itself a literary hotbed, so of course we have to play along with the charade. Trust me - Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti are both crap.]

The man in question, now a much-reformed hippie, is Michael Savage.

This per the BBC - see this article:

Quote:"Conservative political commentator Michael Savage, real name Michael Alan Weiner, is one of 22 people barred for fostering extremism or hate. "


I shall not speculate on whether mister Savage has indeed fostered extremism or hate. It is not germane.
Instead, let me just remark that a country that has several thousand hate-filled Pakistani and Arab extremists, and a substantial subcultural strain of anti-Semitism (plus George Galloway), probably has no business vetting what people say. It suggests, by omission (those several thousand hate-filled Pakistani and Arab extremists aforementioned, plus George Galloway), that the British government in fact approves of the racist and bigoted statements made by several thousand hate-filled Pakistani and Arab extremists. Plus George Galloway.

Any nation that elected George Galloway should spend more time investigating the subculture of extremism and hate within its own borders, and far less effort making itself look silly with pretentious PC poofle.

For the record, I disagree with almost everything that comes out of Michael Savage's mouth.

On the other hand, I really do think that George Galloway (a member of parliament, nota bene), is a dangerous sociopath whose unceasing efforts to spread hate and promote terrorism make him the perfect candidate for a drive-by. The man is a morally bankrupt smear of ambulatory compost that the world would be better off without.
Yes, seeing George Galloway's hate-filled face shattered and ripped by bullets on the evening news might give me great pleasure (same goes for Lauren Booth and several other trolls), but would almost certainly not discomfit me - no matter how raw the footage.
Go ahead and make it as graphic as the splatter-porn favoured by Galloway's extremist Muslim friends - I shall force myself to watch it.
At least twice. Gladly.

If you are not willing to curb your own rabid dogs, you should shut up about everyone else's barking.


Tzipporah said...

Never heard of him. Mustn't be very hate-filled if he't not even famous.


Mister Savage is VERY hate-filled. Just not worth listening to. His fans are even more unpleasant than he is, though.

Spiros said...

Michael Savage is a man whose doctorate in herbology makes him uniquely qualified to opine over the airwaves on matters of current moment. His grasp of foreign affairs is best illustrated by the asservation in his first book that Germany was fomenting unrest in the former Yugoslavia in order to secure a Baltic seaport (yes, he wrote Baltic). I once 86'ed him and his equally poisonous wife from a store I worked at for being rude to one of my co-workers. That being said, the British are acting like tools making an issue over the jackass; the best defence against such ignorami is to let them run their mouths.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Doctorate? Herbology? What is htat? White person's voodoo?

The man is a monumental dunce.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

A savage right-wing nutball, a whiner, and a oprobrious yutz.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

On the other hand, Galloway is a degenerate, thoroughly odious, reprehensible, piece of turd.
If the Angrezi log had a brain they would shoot him.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Michael Alan Weiner. Last name sounds like "whiner." Coincidence?

He's an all-around hater. I've heard him bash gays (ad nauseum), women, US soldiers, Israelis, blacks and even Christians. His fan base is comprised of knuckle-scrapers who believe in a black and white world, like good little drones. No need to buy Weiner's books either. Just listen to his show for a week and you'll get your fill what his books contain.

--Marbuk P.L. Egrasky

Anonymous said...

I've heard Michael Savage's show, and while at times it is great to hear him rip apart these stupid far-lefties, that man is absolutely vile. Didn't he get fired at one point for saying something absolutely disgusting to a gay caller?

I agree that the British government needs to do some introspection about George Calloway and all of those Pakistani and Arab haters. But Michael Savage being banned from their country is not something I'll lose sleep over. If only he could be somehow banned from the USA....

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