Thursday, May 28, 2009


When speaking to salesreps, remember that they are simple folk, and that real data confuses them. They cannot handle more than one (simple) idea at a time.

If you need to discuss TWO issues (such as A: a past-due invoice; and B: a shortpayment from a previous cheque), please do the following:

Have TWO phone conversations, at least two weeks apart - one for each issue. This will keep them from jumbling both issues together.

Speak slowly and use simple words. They will understand better, and be able to read their own notes.

Ask them to repeat back to you what you just told them. This is to ensure that the words, if not the meaning, have penetrated.

Call them back a day later, to check if they need help, reminders, further explanation, or comforting.

Reward them with positive and reassuring interjections, like "good!", "marvelous", "you're SO smart", and "fabulous!".

Make a note of what was discussed in the file. Whatever you said will change in many ways over time. Do not expect them to remember the details - they're far too busy for that. Unless it involves sports or football.

Other things to keep in mind:
1. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time.
2. Sudden sounds are scary.
3. Yes, everything smells like fried chicken.
4. Always say hello.
5. Always say please and thank you.
6. Always say goodbye – it tells them to put down the phone.


Telmac said...

I was once working on a project at a friend's house, while her grandmother was trying to get a hold of a specific toy, and the whole time she could have gone on the internet and been done with it in five minutes. My hatred for people like that has driven me to sadism.

Fuzz Bert Fan Club said...

My hatred for people like that has driven me to sadism.Oh, that is so sad! Sadism is to be enjoyed for its own sake!
Both hatred and sadism can be such positive expereiences!

Fuzz Bert Fan Club said...

And they make us feel all warm and fuzzy!

Alfy and Aethy

The back of the hill said...
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The back of the hill said...

My dear Anonymous,

How nice of you to recommend a vacation in lovely Hualian, and that inn does indeed look quite charming.

Now, the advert for the Hsin Sen Traditional Medicine Clinic may not be very useful - we have numerous practitioners of traditional medicine her in C'town, and I do have one I patronize already .....

Thanks anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Just call us sales creatures.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

But are they wombats?

---Gruesont Pruderack

Anonymous said...

I now know the importance of goodbye!

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay! Wombats! Yay!

---Finnis Pantiwastrels

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