Wednesday, September 17, 2008


You want a rich inner life? I give you the rich inner life of Ms. Sarah Palin, who visualizes the US rolling into Russia, George Patton style, if those Godless Ruskies don't stop picking on those po' Georgians (I guess that's what the famed Bridge to Nowhere is in aid of). I don't suppose that anybody has had the chance to brief Ms. Palin on the fact that the Georgia in question is not in fact the Georgia in which Ty Cobb was born, but the Georgia in which Josef Stalin was born; come to think of it, I'd be willing to trade our Georgia for Minsk-Pinsk, and maybe a case of vodka. Or some latkes.



Spiros said...

Oh gosh, I'm ferklempt. I'll give you yet again another topic: Cardinal Biggles in the "Spanish Inquisition Sketch", played by Terry Jones, Biggles in "Biggles Dictates a Letter", played by Graham Chapman...discuss amongst yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell whether the woman in question (Sarah Palin) or the man in question Spiros in his comment here), have been smoking pot.

My guess is that Sarah is shnockered, Spiros merely on a roll.

---Grant Patel

The back of the hill said...

Please note: several French cialis spam comments have been blocked.
As will all future cialis spams, French or otherwise.

We have no need of cialis. And we do not wish anyone else to have access to it either - the competition is fierce enough as it is.

Good day ('bon... jour!').

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

The back of the hill said...

I've just blocked several French Cialis spam-comments, a dumb-ass German internet poker site, and a financial scheme from who knows where.
Four comments this morning.
For the last month, French, German, and Russian trolls have attempted to drop their faeces into this comment-string, and have been rebuffed. You'd think they'd figure out by now that it ain't gonna happen.
But nooooooo!!!!

What is it with you spammers anyway? Too darn stooopid to figger out that I'm blocking you? You never revisit the firehydrant after marking your territory? Garbage for brains? Inbred syphilitic morons?
All of the above?

Why don't you all go invade each other again - that may be the only thing you lot are good at.

The back of the hill said...

The internet address above is to a kungfu site in Russian.
The very first martial art mentioned is Taichichuan. Which is the skill in which Savage Kitten has won several medals.
So I'm positively inclined towards this particular site, and, as there is none of the usual nastiness or commercial pill crap on that site, I will allow the comment.

The back of the hill said...

And I especially like the "visit us or die" statement. Intense, yet goofy. Evidence of a sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Actors are the only honest hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

[quote]You want a rich inner life? I give you the rich inner life of Ms. Sarah Palin, who visualizes the US rolling into Russia, George Patton style, if those Godless Ruskies don't stop picking on those po' Georgians (I guess that's what the famed Bridge to Nowhere is in aid of). I don't suppose that anybody has had the chance to brief Ms. Palin on the fact that the Georgia in question is not in fact the Georgia in which Ty Cobb was born, but the Georgia in which Josef Stalin was born; come to think of it, I'd be willing to trade our Georgia for Minsk-Pinsk, and maybe a case of vodka. Or some latkes.------SPIROS[/quote] i agree

PS offtopic [url=]watch movies online[/url] yes all new movies here

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