Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski quit as head of a recently formed task-force dealing with rabbinic sex abuse of minors.
He resigned for safety's sake - he was threatened. So were members of his family.

See this article:
Top Doc Scared Off Panel On Rabbinic Sex Molestors
Tapped by Hikind, Twerski cites threats; pol ready to ‘name names’ of alleged abusers.

The issue of rabbinic sexuality has cropped up a lot recently. As has the issue of massive cover-ups, and the protection of perverts.
Joel Engelman thought he had a deal. The Satmar rabbi who he says molested him would stay away from children. He now charges he was violated twice.

I guess I don't have to mention Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, who sexually abused children at Yeshiva Torah Temima.... oh heck, just in case:

The words 'Chillul Hashem' and 'a shandeh fir di goyim' seem appropriate.


Anonymous said...

Spiros said...

How do you pronounce that?

Anonymous said...

Aitchteeteepee dot dot double backslash taineeyurl dot com backslash for algy.

Kler, nu?

Spiros said...

Seems like a silly thing to say...

Anonymous said...

Something about chissids with cigars.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I liked the post. Dutch poetry is absurd. But the comments allow one to taste it as if through a darkened glass.


Yet surd.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Spiros, no deep thoughts about Dutch poetry?

Lev, hotst kein tiefe gedachtes oiber Hollandishe gedichterei?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

A Sordid Lawsuit Shakes the Satmar Chasidic world .

Brooklyn N.Y. Lezer ( Louis ) Kestenbaum chairman of the ODA in Williamsburg Brooklyn NY resigned from the ODA soon after settling a lawsuit filed in May in U.S. District Court for the District of Florida for an undisclosed sum alleging he had a sexual relationship with a minor, Joel Kestnbaum the son of Louis kestenbaum will become chairman of the ODA.

Anonymous said...

A Sordid Lawsuit Shakes the Satmar Chasidic world .

Brooklyn N.Y. Lezer ( Louis ) Kestenbaum chairman of the ODA in Williamsburg Brooklyn NY resigned from the ODA soon after settling a lawsuit filed in May in U.S. District Court for the District of Florida for an undisclosed sum alleging he had a sexual relationship with a minor, Joel Kestnbaum the son of Louis kestenbaum will become chairman of the ODA.

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