Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Conversational fragment overheard while leaving the lunch-room:
"The good news is they eat homeless people and piss gasoline".

Now there's a conversation I wish I had heard more of.

Either that person lives on a different plane, or has taken leave of his senses.
Would you, dear reader, care to speculate about the meaning of the sentence?

Is it the end of the world, or the beginning of a world more wondrous and disturbing than we can possibly comprehend?

Please, let your thoughts run wild.
All comments will be appreciated.
perhaps together we can attain enlightenment.


Andrew said...

I think it is out of context. I would love to hear what the whole conversation was. I was homeless for 6 months and I am glad no one ate me and converted me to gasoline! LOL :-P Take care.

Andrew from Alabama

Anonymous said...

This is a pessimistic defeatest anticipating the Islamofascist takeover of the USA. Being a Californian he has "issues" with immigrants and the homeless.

The begining of the converastion that you missed went thus:

"The bad news is they'll have our chicks veiled and wearing balck potato sacks and us belly flopping 5 times a day but...."

Anonymous said...

Sentence possibly originally spoken in Vietnamese - by a native watching C5s taking off from Tan Son Nhut in 1975 full of refugees/babies - and knowing that to effect a safe landing at its destination - aviation fuel would maybe have to be jettisoned beforehand.

Anonymous said...

"We had a band parful(powerful) enough to turn goat's piss into gasoline" - Donald "Duck" Dunn, in THE BLUES BROTHERS

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