Wednesday, May 30, 2007


In a previous posting (see here: ) I said a number of less than flattering things about the Dutch and their country.

One of my occassional readers had a number of things to say which illuminate another side - a side which, though I do not see entirely eye-to-eye with him, is nevertheless both valid and worthwhile.

He has graciously extended permission to post his letter, which I do below.


Well now, BOTH,

Your problems at school don’t surprise me, not because of you being American or Jewish, but you lived in he middle of Catholic country and would have had the same trouble if you had been just Protestant, that’s the way it was written in places where most of the people go to church and go to the same church.

As for your friends in Dirksland Goeree-Overflakkee, it is downright stupid to go and live there if you belong to a visible minority, again if most people there go to church, and to the same church. Better find a larger community with more people of your background, there you don’t stand out and won’t attract attention of the zealots.

You can’t change human nature, BOTH.

But you can squawk about it, and you do that very well☺

I grew up in Holland and went to a public school, we had kids with Indonesian parents, kids with German parents, and a girl with Polish parents in our class, and I actually only now become aware of that, and that’s your fault BOTH.☺
Had I gone next door to the Christian school things would have been different, of course you don’t go there unless you are Christian.

After what happened in Poland in 1939 it was utterly stupid of the Dutch government to try to defend the country against the German onslaught, a waste of young lives.
I was on the Grebbeberg in Rhenen in 1940 right after the fighting stopped and I will not forget seeing the still open mass graves nor the smell of desinfectants. I also helped making the 8 coffins for the BS. men that were ordered to attack a German wagon train (1945) with nothing but revolvers. I saw them and remember that they were all shot in the head. The BS. Binnenlandse strijdkrachten caused a lot of trouble for the civil population whenever the Germans ordered them out of their houses in the middle of the night to sweep the roadways clean of nails and cut over trees. They did do a good job robbing the distribution centers for ration tickets, a lot of Dutch Jewish survivors thank their lives on those efforts.

I think that your impression of strong anti-American feelings in Holland is mostly imagination. I haven’t been in Holland for 35 years but still I think that the general opinion there is that in spite of the very large contributions of the Brits and the Canadians, the second world war would not have been won without the might an resources of the U.S.A. without them Europe would be speaking German, and Asia Japanese. They won’t forget.

-----A. M.


The reader, doing the math, will realize that A. M. is probably nearing eighty years old, and was last in the Netherlands when Nixon was still the American president. As such, he represents a generation which was quite different from the current one - over there as much as here. Those were different times. The people who came through WWII were different people.
Europe and America have never been closer than they were then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know a few Dutch people of the generation that experienced the Nazi occupation. Of these most are still very "pro-Allies". They often state how watching the USAAF flying over NL to bomb Germany - and hearing the British at night doing the same - was a great encouragement. I also know a couple who went underground for the whole occupation to avoid working for the Germans

I of course have not met anyone who was pro-German.(or an ex NSBer).......Though I do know some whe worked as forced-labour in German factories. The Nazi Germans viewed Nederlanders far differently to how they viewed/treated Poles - and of course Jews.

As NL was neutral when attacked - and though her armed forces were clearly inadequate to taking on the Germans - I still would not suggest that they should not have bothered to try. There is no benefit in hind-sight. It happened. It is just ironic that having shot down so many Ju52s - they then spent months repairing the same for the users thereof...

Most of the elderly Dutch I know who came from the N East Indies, are very pro USA as the Japanese opponent was so clearly sadistic.

As in Belgium - I suspect village Catholicism was a worse influence than being simply Dutch.

I am not unaware that the Dutch SS were a very loyal and frightening bunch - right up to Berlin 1945.

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