Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Something Chaim G. said today leads me to wonder whether pruzbul can be defined as a seven year itch.

If Chaim figures out the series of mental linkages at the root of that frog, he may very well think that a mind is a terrible thing.


Anonymous said...

Aw c'mon gimme a hint

Anonymous said...

after all I made so many comments today that DB should rename his blog "DovBear costarring Chaim Grossferstant"

The back of the hill said...

Well, you mentioned 'lo schonaim', or something very much like it...

Which, of course, brings up shmita and related material.

The back of the hill said...

And, lichora, if I were a frumme mensh, I would be unemployed once every seven years if I lived in the land.

I do business to business debt collection, you see.

Anonymous said...

I hate to break this decidedly un-ecumenical bit of news to you but in general when I use 'lo schonaim', in our conversations I am talking about the Talmudic drash that prohibits Jews from bestowing gifts to or even finding "khain" among non-Jews.

I must tell you that you present me with nearly insurmountable lifnei eevair tests in this regard.

Your support and fandom of Shmekelstein gave me great relief in this regard as it finally gave me something about you to dislike.

PS I am now about to close down operations for the night. I have yet to read your email from this morning. But I thank you in advance for taking the time to write so thorough a response.

The back of the hill said...


It may interest you that in Dutch, the word 'chein' (from Yiddish) means not so much a quality of value as something amusing or pleasurable.

One could, for instance, say about a cute kitten that it is 'cheinig'.

Or about an anecdote that it has 'chein' - it is pleasant and enjoyable.

The back of the hill said...

And I can understand now why you mentioned 'Dutch treat' in relation to beer.

No problem. But how to make it happen? You are on the Eastcoast (I think), and I am on the Westcoast.

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

ick. i thought it was only the self-aggrandizing moderator of "frumteens" who extends the idea of לא תחנם to anything positive having to do with any non-jews ever.

Anonymous said...

>i thought it was only the self-aggrandizing moderator of "frumteens

IIRC that would be Chazal and a rich Halakhic Literture. Does it offend your westernized meritocracy-informed sensibilities Steg? Well it does mine too, but in view of the provenance of this attitude we've got to deal with it not mock it.

Anonymous said...

You are on the Eastcoast (I think), and I am on the Westcoast.

Correct. I live in the place that was once home to YOUR hometown teams arch-rival. Don't you ever visit New York on business or pleasure?

Anonymous said...

The idea of BOTH having a "hometeam" is more than just a little bit ludicrous (unless PSV Eindhoven were that side).

Anonymous said...

He roots for the Giants... of the San Francisco and Torah variety

The back of the hill said...

Don't you ever visit New York on business or pleasure?

In all of forty eight years, the only time I've been in New Amsterdam was a four hour stop-over at an airport.

Every year there is a trade show there which the company makes a big deal out of, and every year I get told "next year, fer sure, we want you there". I rather doubt, at this point, that it will ever be next year. They fear that the collections dude will scare old ladies and little children.

But maybe one of these years I will make it on my own.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Major tourist attractions include the Statue of Liberty, Lincoln Center, the Theater District and Chaim G.'s palatial Villa.

Ther are many good watering holes for beer-bibbing but as per the Shulkahn Aruch and absent your long awaited and much anticipated geirus, we'll have to drink at my place.

Tzipporah said...

In all of forty eight years, the only time I've been in New Amsterdam was a four hour stop-over at an airport.

Count your blessings.

Anonymous said...

Tzipp hate to break it to you but you don't know what you're missing. Especially from a Jewish standpoint.

Hey it gives life an added rush knowing that you are constantly in the crosshairs of international terrorism.

Must be an East Coast west coast thing, just like in the Hip-Hop industry.

PS I grew up in southern California.

PPS BOTH could you disable the stupid word verification on blogger or switch to haloscan? It's as annoying as Heck.

The back of the hill said...

Chaim, I have disabled word verification.

Bear in mind that if I start getting flooded with adverts and sales garbage I'll have to re-enable it.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking as that rarity of rarities, a native San Franciscan, and a fiercely parochial one at that, I have to endorse Chaim G.'s view of Niew Amsterdam: BOTH really should make a sojourn in New York, if only to have his mind blown by the expanse of Chinatown. Maybe somebody could start a subscription?

Tzipporah said...

you don't know what you're missing

Oh, believe me, I do. I grew up in Massachusetts (try saying THAT state 3 times fast), and have done numerous junkets to The Rotten Apple. It's too big, people are too rude, the streets are too straight, the pizza is too limp... ah, but the company almost makes up for it. ;-}

Anonymous said...

How are the streets and Pizza in ,I presume, Portland?

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