Friday, May 31, 2024


So Trump was found guilty on thirty four counts, and all over the red states, particularly Marjorie taylor Greene's trailerpark, people were rending their garments, wailing about the end times and blood raining from the skies, and swearing that the south will rise again.
Plus trying to drown their sorrow and indignation in shitty American beer.
Here in SF, the news passed with barely a murmur.
We have better beer in any case.

Possibly the only person having conniptions was Ellen Lee Zhou, a perennial candidate for mayor from the loonie fringe, who is a Turmp 2024 MAGA republican and Jezus freak, living in an altenate reality, a raving antivaxxer who wants San Francisco to return to the lord.
She has our thoughts and prayers. Fat lot of good that will do her.
Maybe she should have some shitty beer instead?
Braindead Christian wacko.

Lines of Adderall sniffed off the adult diaper of history.
Soon to be an irrelevant has-been.
With old man smell.
Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty.

Work will be interesting today. I'm looking forward to it. Batty right wing trolls and conspiracy nuts. Plus the two subcontinentals gloating into their beverages at the infuriated sputtering.

Anyway, Mike Johnson, a snivelling toad who hates America, has already spewed forth the approved party line about the trial and its outcome, and we can expext the rest of the traitors in the Republican Party to fiercely squawk and bluster accordingly. All the mayo-snarfing morons in the red states will no doubt swallow everything they say. So it's too early to celebrate. Sentence the bastard, then shoot any rioters.
Impose martial law where necessary.

That's something all rational people can get behind.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Things will get super fun if he gets elected, dontcha think?

The back of the hill said...

First few days ought to be a blast.

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